P. 167

RESTATEMENT                            THEME 7

        53.  Social  media  improves  communication  but    55.  Charitable organisations are able to deliver vital
            may also cause loneliness as individuals            services to needy people thanks to the devotion
            compare their lives to those of others.             of numerous volunteers.
            A)  Communication is facilitated by social media;   A)  The dedication of a large number of volunteers
               however, people compare their lives with            enables charities to provide essential services
               those of others, which leads to loneliness.         to those in need.
            B)  People can talk to each other better on social   B)  Charities struggle to supply vital services
               media but can feel lonely when they compare         to needy people, especially when certain
               their lives with those of others.                   volunteers do not show devotion to them.
            C)  While social media fosters interaction, people   C)  Without the dedication of volunteers, charity
               comparing their lives to others’ might feel         organisations are not capable of supplying
               lonely as a result.                                 necessary services to people in need.
            D)  Since people compare their lives to others’,    D)  Charities can still provide essential services
               social media can make them feel alone,              to needy people even when volunteers do not
               though it can also enhance relationships.           show devotion to them.
            E)  Though it facilitates contact, social media also   E)  Many dedicated volunteers can help charity
               makes people feel alone if they compare their       organisations provide people with the
               lives to those of others.                           necessary services.

        54.  Individuals  are  more  reluctant  to  help  a   56.  The ability to recognise and manage one’s own
            victim  when  other  people  are  present,  often   and others’ emotions is essential for fostering
            assuming someone else will get involved.            healthy societal interactions.

            A)  The likelihood of an individual helping a victim   A)  One significant part of having societal
               decreases when others are around, with the          interactions is the recognition of one’s own
               belief that someone else will help.                 emotions without projecting them onto others.
            B)  In a crowd, individuals are generally more      B)  Managing interactions in a society is necessary
               eager to help a person in need, expecting that      to be able to recognise and control the
               someone else will appreciate it.                    emotions of oneself and others.
            C)  When others are around, people are less         C)  Besides one’s own emotions, the capacity to
               eager to help a victim, as they wonder if           control and recognise other people’s emotions
               someone else will step in or not.                   determines positive social interactions.
            D)  When they are alone, individuals typically      D)  To develop positive interactions within society,
               hesitate to help a person in need and expect        being able to understand and control emotions,
               someone else to do it.                              both personal and others’, is necessary.
            E)  In the company of others, individuals often     E)  For healthy societal interactions, people must
               prefer helping someone in need, assuming            have the ability to take control of others’
               others will also support them.                      emotions and recognise their own.

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