P. 170

THEME 7                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  ----  They  provide  support,  resources,  and   67.  Motivation serves as the driving force behind our
            assistance  to  those  facing  various  challenges,   actions, whether we are studying for an exam or
            such  as  poverty,  homelessness,  illness,  and    pursuing our dreams. ---- These motivators can
            natural disasters. Additionally, they may engage    vary  from  person  to  person  and  can  change
            in advocacy efforts to address systemic issues      over time based on individual experiences and
            and promote social justice. These organisations     circumstances. Ultimately, comprehending what
            play a crucial role in fostering a sense of solidarity   motivates  us  is  vital  for  tapping  into  our  full
            and compassion within society, helping to build     potential and reaching our objectives because a
            stronger, more resilient communities.               clear ‘why’ drives our ‘how’.
            A)  Social welfare agencies offer free educational   A)  It provides us with the energy and
               workshops and skill-building seminars to            determination needed to overcome obstacles
               empower individuals.                                and achieve our goals.
            B)  Charities and community services are dedicated   B)  Regardless of where motivation comes from, it
               to improving the well-being of individuals and      is essential to sustain focus and push through
               communities in need.                                challenges.
            C)  Humanitarian organisations promote exclusive    C)  Intrinsic motivation is more powerful and
               membership benefits for wealthy donors.             long-lasting than external one, as it comes from
            D)  Municipalities distribute the ‘Newborn Support     within ourselves.
               Package’ to those who have difficulty in         D)  There is another type of drive called ‘family
               meeting their basic needs.                          motivation’, which comes from wanting to help
            E)  Charitable foundations partner with local          one’s family.
               businesses to organise luxury vacations for      E)  It arises from external rewards like recognition
               their members.                                      and money or from internal desires for self-
                                                                   improvement and joy.

        66.  Many factors are contributing to the increasing   68.  The generation gap refers to the differences in
            rate of urbanisation. One is that many people       perspectives, beliefs, and behaviours between
            are moving from rural areas to cities in search     generations,  particularly  between  the  old  and
            of  better  job  opportunities  and  a  higher      the  young.  It  often  stems  from  differing  life
            standard  of  living.  Schools,  colleges,  and     experiences,  cultural  influences,  and  societal
            universities  are  more  concentrated  in  urban    changes  occurring  over  time.  For  instance,
            areas. ---- Additionally, they are great places for   older  people  may  prioritise  traditional  values
            innovation and business, attracting ambitious       and  methods,  while  younger  ones  appreciate
            people  who  want  to  follow  their  dreams  and   innovation and change. ----  Yet, it is possible to
            contribute to economic growth.                      overcome these issues via open dialogue and
            A)  Urbanisation can lead to overcrowding and
               strain on infrastructure, resulting in issues like   A)  Unfortunately, such dissimilarities can sometimes
               traffic and pollution.                              result in conflicts and misunderstandings.
            B)  Cities offer a more convenient lifestyle,
               with activities like shopping centres and        B)  Generation gaps have widened significantly in
               transportation all nearby.                          the 20  and 21  centuries.
            C)  While urban areas offer opportunities, rural    C)  Knowing each generation’s characteristics
               areas also play a vital role in agriculture and     might help us communicate more effectively.
               natural resources.                               D)  Both generations hold the responsibility of
            D)  As younger generations migrate to cities, rural    bridging this gap through love and trust.
               customs may gradually disappear as a result
               of urbanisation.                                 E)  Mutual respect is crucial for fostering positive
            E)  Some people may resist urbanisation due to         relationships and solving disagreements.
               concerns about losing touch with nature in
               urban environments.

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