P. 173


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Yakın arkadaşların birbirlerine karşı dürüst ve   79.  Hayat  boyu  öğrenme,  insanların  bilgi  çağına
            empatik davranmayı tercih etmeleri nedeniyle        uyum  sağlamasını  ve  ekonomik  ve  sosyal
            yanlış anlaşılma yaşama olasılıkları daha azdır.    yaşamın tüm yönlerine aktif olarak katılmasını
            A)  Close friends are less likely to experience
               misunderstandings because they prefer to be      A)  People can adapt to the information age and
               honest and empathetic towards each other.           partake actively in all spheres of economic and
                                                                   social life through lifelong learning.
            B)  Since close friends are likely to experience
               misunderstandings, they prefer being sincere     B)  The aim of lifelong learning is to empower
               and empathetic to each other.                       people to enter the information age and
                                                                   fully participate in all aspects of social and
            C)  Close friends are not at risk of experiencing      economic life.
               misunderstandings due to their truthful and
               empathetic attitude towards each other.          C)  Lifelong learning aims to help people not only
                                                                   get used to living in the information age but
            D)  Misunderstandings rarely occur among close
               friends because they encourage transparent          also fully take part in economic and social life.
               and empathetic behaviour towards each            D)  Learning throughout your life helps you keep
               other.                                              up with the information age and be involved
                                                                   actively in social and economic life.
            E)  As a result of close friends’ preference
               for sincere and empathetic behaviour, the        E)  Lifelong learning aims to enable people to adapt
               likelihood of experiencing misunderstandings        to the information age and actively engage in all
               decreases.                                          aspects of economic and social life.

        78.  Uzaktan  çalışma,  esneklik  ve  kolaylık  sağlar   80.  Kadınların  ekonomik  bağımsızlığı,  toplumsal
            ancak  aynı  zamanda  yalnızlık  hissine  ve        ilerlemeyi  hızlandırarak  daha  eşit  bir  toplum
            meslektaşlarla  iletişimde  zorluklara  da  neden   ortaya çıkmasına katkı sağlar.
            olabilir.                                           A)  The economic independence of women
            A)  Although remote working provides flexibility       contributes to social development by creating a
               and convenience to employees, it may                more equitable society.
               also cause problems like loneliness and          B)  Women with financial freedom accelerate
               miscommunication.                                   social development by contributing to the
            B)  Despite its flexibility and convenience, remote    emergence of a more equitable society.
               working can lead to feelings of isolation        C)  Women’s financial independence contributes to
               and make it challenging for colleagues to           the emergence of an equal society by helping
               communicate.                                        to accelerate societal progress.
            C)  Remote working offers flexibility and           D)  Women’s economic independence contributes
               convenience; however, it can also lead              to the emergence of a more equal society by
               to feelings of isolation and challenges in          accelerating social progress.
               communication with colleagues.
                                                                E)  Women’s economic freedom, which
            D)  Remote working provides flexibility and            accelerates societal progress, contributes to
               convenience, yet it can also make you feel          the emergence of a more equal society.
               isolated and cause communication problems
               with colleagues.
            E)  Remote working can result in feelings of
               isolation and problems communicating with
               colleagues, but it also provides great flexibility
               and convenience.

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