P. 178

THEME 8                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Any company wishing to have a strong digital presence   Vertical  gardens  and  farms  are  becoming  popular  in
        must  consider  the  pros  and  cons  of  online  marketing.    urban areas, as people can grow plants in environments
        (1)----  the  growing  popularity  of  digital  platforms,   where  traditional  farming  is  not  feasible.  Skyscrapers
        businesses  can  reach  a  global  audience  more  easily   with  vertical  farms  are  planned  (6)----  in  major  cities
        and  economically.  This  approach  provides  valuable    worldwide. However, their construction is (7)---- discussed
        (2)----  into  customer  behaviour  through  data  analytics,   by  many.  Supporters  claim  that  the  farms  are  highly
        enabling  companies  to  improve  their  strategies    efficient  (8)----  their  ability  to  cultivate  crops  with  less
        effectively.  (3)----,  online  marketing  also  has  its   water  and  space  compared  to  traditional  methods.
        drawbacks.  (4)----  considering  the  competition,  it   Opponents,  on  the  other  hand,  see  it  as  more  of
        becomes  evident  that  standing  out  in  a  crowded   an  unnatural  agriculture.  (9)----  these  systems  offer
        online  marketplace  is  challenging.  (5)----  continuous   numerous  benefits,  more  energy  requirements,  high
        updates and engagement, online marketing demands a   initial costs, and the need for advanced technology are
        significant investment of time and money. Despite these   often the focus of criticism. All in all, it seems that vertical
        challenges,  many  businesses  find  online  marketing  to    farming  may  contribute  to  a  more  sustainable  future
        be a crucial component of their overall strategy.   (10)---- the right economic and technological conditions.

        1.   A) On behalf of                                6.   A) building
             B) Apart from                                      B) to be built
             C) In view of                                      C) to have been built
             D) For fear of                                     D) being built
             E) As opposed to                                   E) to build

        2.    A) deficit                                    7.    A) gratefully
             B) insight                                         B) necessarily
             C) process                                         C) measurably
             D) outbreak                                        D) divisively
             E) suspicion                                       E) variably

        3.    A) Moreover                                   8.    A) in contrast with
             B) Therefore                                       B) on account of
             C) Instead                                         C) as opposed to
             D) However                                         D) in advance of
             E) For instance                                    E) aside from

        4.    A) Upon                                       9.    A) Much though
             B) Outside                                         B) Being that
             C) Under                                           C) By the time
             D) In                                              D) Now that

             E) Near                                            E) Unless

        5.    A) Required                                   10.   A) outside of
             B) To have required                                B) for
             C) Requiring                                       C) under
             D) To require                                      D) along
             E) Having been required                            E) behind

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