P. 179

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 8

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Imagine  a  room-sized  machine  capable  of  performing   Agricultural biotechnology involves the use of scientific
        calculations.  Now,  think  of  it  as  being  thousands  of   techniques to modify plants, animals, and organisms for
        times faster than a human, yet taking days to (11)---- for   agricultural  purposes.  (16)----  this  type  of  technology,
        each task. Welcome to the world of the first computers!    scientists can manipulate the genetic makeup of crops to
        (12)----  in  the  1940s,  the  ENIAC  was  the  earliest   enhance traits such as resistance to pests and diseases
        electronic  general-purpose  computer.  This  massive   or  tolerance  to  environmental  stresses  like  drought.
        machine,  which  occupied  a  large  room  and  weighed   It also enables the production of crops with improved
        about  30  tonnes,  marked  the  beginning  of  computer   nutritional value, (17)---- global food security. However,
        technology.  (13)----  its  invention,  computing  was  done   concerns  exist  regarding  the  (18)----  environmental
        manually  or  with  mechanical  devices.  ENIAC  made   and health impacts of genetically modified organisms.
        the  computing  process  much  faster  than  before,    (19)----,  extensive  testing  and  strict  regulations  are
        (14)---- it was not as fast as today’s computers and laid   essential  to  ensuring  the  safety  of  biotech  products.
        the groundwork for modern computers. Despite all the   (20)---- controversy, agricultural biotechnology continues
        advancements  since  then,  the  world  still  had  to  wait    to  play  a  significant  role  in  increasing  crop  yields  and
        (15)----  the  late  1970s  for  the  concept  of  a  personal   addressing food challenges worldwide.

        11.  A) give in                                     16.  A) Under
             B) carry out                                       B) In
             C) set up                                          C) Upon
             D) put through                                     D) Near
             E) take on                                         E) Outside

        12.   A) Developed                                  17.   A) to have contributed to
             B) To be developed                                 B) to contribute to

             C) Developing                                      C) having contributed to
             D) To have developed                               D) contributing to
             E) Having developed                                E) to be contributing to

        13.   A) Regardless of                              18.   A) feasible
             B) Contrary to                                     B) sufficient
             C) On behalf of                                    C) artificial
             D) Prior to                                        D) potential
             E) As well as                                      E) insightful

        14.   A) or                                         19.  A) Therefore
             B) so                                              B) Nevertheless
             C) as                                              C) Otherwise
             D) though                                          D) For example
             E) when                                            E) By comparison

        15.   A) around                                     20.   A) Besides
             B) past                                            B) For fear of
             C) by                                              C) Despite
             D) along                                           D) Instead of
             E) until                                           E) Owing to
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