P. 180

THEME 8                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  ----;  however,  further  research  is  needed   23.  Although everyday devices like mobile phones
            to  optimise  its  accuracy  and  reliability  for   and Wi-Fi routers emit electromagnetic waves,
            widespread use in healthcare.                       ----.
            A)  Wearable devices have become increasingly       A)  there are still potential risks while enjoying the
               popular for monitoring health and activity          benefits of modern technology
                                                                B)  current research indicates that their levels are
            B)  Wearable technology in healthcare follows          generally safe for human health
               a distinct roadmap from traditional medical      C)  this has raised concerns about its potential
               devices                                             harm to the development of children recently
            C)  Most medical wearables allow seamless           D)  there is an ongoing scientific investigation into
               integration with smartphones and other              their long-term health effects
                                                                E)  excessive exposure causes headaches, sleep
            D)  Healthcare providers must analyse the data
                                                                   disturbances, and even more severe conditions
               from wearable devices carefully before
               making medical decisions
            E)  Wearable technology has shown promise in
               detecting diseases early, such as diabetes

        22.  Now that we have discovered many exoplanets    24.  ---- even when they fail to prove their hypotheses
            in the habitable zone of distant stars, ----.       in their scientific endeavour.
            A)  we have not yet found any evidence of           A)  Some experiments foster collaboration and
               extraterrestrial life within our solar system       debate within the scientific community
            B)  space travel might become more accessible       B)  Sharing negative results prevents others from
               to private individuals as costs decrease            repeating the same mistakes
            C)  our focus in space exploration shifts towards   C)  Scientists may feel discouraged and question
               studying their atmospheres for signs of life        the validity of their research approach
            D)  the understanding of the universe requires      D)  Astronauts gain valuable experience in
               continuous exploration and collaboration            problem-solving and adaptability during the
               among scientists                                    simulation process
            E)  there are numerous challenges associated        E)  Scientists contribute to the advancement of
               with long-duration space missions                   knowledge through the insights gained

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