P. 184


         35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Pseudoscience refers to beliefs or practices that claim   36.  Which  of  the  following  conclusions  can  be
        to be true to science but lack evidence or fail to follow   reached based on the passage?
        the  scientific  method.  These  ideas  often  depend  on
        personal  stories,  anecdotes,  or  cherry-picked  data  to   A)  Practices labelled as pseudoscientific are
        support their claims, rather than scientific experiments   generally well-supported by detailed scientific
        and  peer-reviewed  research.  Pseudoscientific  beliefs   research.
        can  be  found  in  various  fields,  including  alternative   B)  Selective reporting of data can sometimes
        medicine,  astrology,  and  paranormal  events.  Despite   be an accepted scientific practice for proving
        the  absence  of  credible  evidence,  pseudoscience       hypotheses.
        can  be  appealing  to  those  seeking  quick  fixes  or   C)  Scepticism is advised when facing theories
        explanations  for  complex  phenomena.  However,           that do not stem from experimental research or
        relying  on  pseudoscientific  ideas  can  be  misleading   evidence.
        and  potentially  harmful,  leading  individuals  to  make
        decisions  based  on  false  premises  or  unsupported   D)  Personal anecdotes and selective data are
        claims.  It  is  crucial  to  approach  such  theories  with   considered strong evidence in scientific
        scepticism and critically evaluate the evidence before     communities.
        accepting  them  as  valid  explanations  or  as  effective   E)  Unconventional theories tend to be much
        solutions to real-world problems.                          more reliable since they are based on real-life

        35.  According  to  the  passage,  pseudoscientific   37.  What  is  the  author’s  attitude  towards
            theories ----.                                      pseudoscience?

            A)  can be deceptive and even dangerous,            A)  Supportive
               causing harm to individuals who believe in       B)  Impartial
                                                                C)  Sarcastic
            B)  are merely employed to explain paranormal
               phenomena that are beyond scientific             D)  Arrogant
               understanding                                    E)  Cautious
            C)  depend not only on isolated incidents or
               selective observations but also on expert
            D)  target individuals looking for validation of
               their pre-existing beliefs and easy answers to
               complex questions
            E)  are often preferred over scientific ones, as
               they provide less complicated explanations

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