P. 189

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 8

        47.  Li Wei:                                        48.  Finnick:
            –   I  need  a  new  laptop,  but  I  can’t  decide   –   Are  passwords  still  an  effective  security
                between these two models.                           measure against cyberattacks?
            María:                                              Johanna:
            –   ----                                            –   They are, but they’re not enough on their
            Li Wei:                                                 own.
            –   I’m  not  so  sure  about  that.  Sometimes,      Finnick:
                they  are  written  by  people  who  haven’t    –   What   else   is   needed   to   enhance
                used the product long enough, or they’re            cybersecurity besides strong passwords?
                overly negative because of a minor issue.       Johanna:
                                                                –   ----
            –   That’s  true,  but  they  can  be  a  starting
                point for your decision.
                                                                A)  Passwords have been replaced by more
                                                                   advanced and modern security technologies.
            A)  Have you checked their ratings on an online     B)  Security questions have proven to be more
               marketplace? I’d choose the one with a              reliable than traditional password systems.
               five-star rating.
                                                                C)  Most people use their passwords on public
            B)  You must read this tech magazine; an article       Wi-Fi networks to access their accounts.
               by a tech expert compares both models.
                                                                D)  Adding biometric verification can significantly
            C)  I think you should buy the one that meets your     improve overall security measures.
               specific needs and preferences the most.
                                                                E)  Sharing passwords has no significant negative
            D)  Why don’t you read the customer reviews?           consequences, as they are easily reset.
               They can give you a good idea about each.
            E)  It’ll be best to take a look at the brands’ official
               websites to see what features they offer.

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