P. 194

THEME 8                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  Electronic  waste  (e-waste)  is  a  growing   67.  Solar flares are sudden and violent explosions
            environmental  concern.  ----  Managing  them       happening  in  the  Sun’s  atmosphere.  These
            responsibly  is  crucial,  as  harmful  substances   powerful eruptions are caused by the release of
            like lead and mercury can leak into the soil and    magnetic energy stored there. ---- In addition to
            water. Recycling e-waste not only prevents these    disrupting GPS signals, they can adversely affect
            dangers but also conserves valuable materials       communication systems and lead to widespread
            such  as  gold  and  copper,  which  reduces  the   power  outages.  On  the  other  hand,  they  can
            need to extract new raw resources. It can also      create displays of natural light called aurora that
            lessen  eco-damage  by  safely  processing  and     usually appear in the sky of lower polar regions,
            reusing components from outdated technology.        which is not a negative outcome.
            A)  Technology allows the development of more       A)  A solar flare may occur in seconds and persist
               sustainable devices that produce less waste.        for several hours, but its impact can be felt
                                                                   much longer.
            B)  Every year, millions of discarded electrical
               and electronic devices become e-waste.           B)  Since solar flares emit a stream of
                                                                   electromagnetic radiation, they can have
            C)  Proper recycling and disposal of e-waste
               is essential to preventing environmental            negative effects on the Earth.
               damage.                                          C)  Scientists study solar flares with different intensities
            D)  Many organisations run programmes to               to comprehend their roles in space weather.
               promote responsible e-waste management.          D)  As solar flares cannot pass through the
            E)  Efforts to promote electronic device recycling     atmosphere of our planet, they pose no
               and disposal have been increasing globally.         physical threat to humans.
                                                                E)  Though solar flares can have bad
                                                                   consequences, they also offer insights into
                                                                   understanding solar activity.

        66.  Web tools and applications have transformed    68.  Al-Jazari,  a  brilliant  inventor  from  the  12 th
            the digital landscape, offering efficiency across   century,  created  some  of  the  earliest  known
            various domains. From collaborative platforms       robots.  ----  His  work,  detailed  in  The  Book  of
            to project management tools, they streamline        Knowledge  of  Ingenious  Mechanical  Devices,
            tasks  and  enhance  productivity.  Moreover,       includes a drink-pouring robot and a boat with
            the rise of cloud computing has facilitated the     robotic musicians that played music for guests.
            development  of  innovative  applications  for      These inventions illustrate his innovative use of
            graphic design, social media management, and        automation  and  hydraulics.  Al-Jazari’s  robots
            virtual  meetings.  This  has  enabled  seamless    were  not  only  functional  but  also  artistic,  and
            remote work and communication. ----                 they formed the basis for modern robotics.
            A)  Consequently, the rise of digital tools has led   A)  They can barely reflect the technological
               to a decline in face-to-face interactions.          advancements of the Islamic Golden Age.
            B)  As a result, the dependency on digital tools    B)  Yet, he was able to contribute a lot to the
               has created a generation gap between old            mediaeval understanding of automation.
               and young employees.
                                                                C)  Despite their innovative design and
            C)  It seems that as technology advances, these        functionality, these robots had limited
               tools reshape how we work, learn, and               capabilities.
                                                                D)  These mechanical devices were designed to
            D)  Furthermore, many industries have been slow        serve water and offer entertainment.
               to adopt these new technologies.
                                                                E)  They could not operate autonomously or make
            E)  These advancements have also raised                decisions based on their surroundings, though.
               concerns about data security and privacy.

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