P. 192

THEME 8                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  You are a marketing manager for a company      59.  You are a chemist working late in your lab on
            that has recently launched an online campaign       an  experiment.  As  you  carefully  mix  a  new
            for a new product. However, you have noticed        combination of compounds, a vivid, unexpected
            that  the  campaign  has  not  generated  the       colour  change  occurs,  illuminating  the  entire
            expected sales. The social media adverts are        lab with an eerie glow. This is not like anything
            receiving  very  few  clicks.  You  want  to  find   you have seen before. It seems like a significant
            out the reasons for this situation in the board     discovery. You quickly decide to share this with
            meeting so that these problems can be solved        your team. So you say in an excited manner: ----
            quickly. So you say: ----
                                                                A)  Guys, something incredible just happened!
            A)  Our product is too new. We just need to wait       I’ve found something new. Let’s check this out
               until the market becomes more familiar with         immediately!
               the product.
                                                                B)  Guess what, folks! The lab just got a whole lot
            B)  We have spent too much money on this               more interesting. Who’s up for a little party?
               commercial, and the outcome is obviously         C)  Hello, everyone. I’ve encountered an
                                                                   unexpected reaction. Would anyone be
            C)  I believe we need to analyse and address           available to help tomorrow?
               the potential causes of failure to meet our      D)  Attention, everyone! We have a dangerous
               audience’s preferences.                             situation here. I need all hands on deck as
            D)  I’ve told you many times that offline marketing    soon as possible.
               efforts, like billboards and printed adverts, are
               always effective.                                E)  Ugh, guys, I can’t find what I’m looking for.
                                                                   Perhaps it’s time to come together and rethink
            E)  We must instantly enhance a new product in         our strategy.
               order to re-engage our clients and regain their

        58.  You  are  the  CEO  of  a  company  developing   60.  You  are  at  a  tech  store,  considering  buying  a
            artificial   intelligence   (AI)   solutions   for   new  tablet.  The  salesperson  approaches  you
            healthcare.  Your  team  has  been  working         and  offers  an  extended  warranty  plan  for  an
            tirelessly  on  an  AI-powered  diagnostic  tool    additional  cost.  You  remember  reading  mixed
            that will revolutionise early disease detection.    reviews about the warranty service. Moreover,
            However, after recent setbacks in the project,      you need to buy a stylus and a screen protector,
            morale  among  your  employees  is  low,  and       so you do not want to spend extra money. By
            productivity  has  started  to  decrease.  To       stating  your  reasons,  you  kindly  decline  the
            motivate your team, you say: ----                   offer. So you say: ----
            A)  There is no need to continue investing          A)  Okay, I’ll take the warranty extension. Would you
               resources in a project that’s not producing         include a case and a pair of headphones too?
                                                                B)  Thanks, but I’m uncertain about the warranty’s
            B)  I’d like to thank you all for your exceptional     effectiveness, and I’m also getting some
               talent in making simple tasks overly complex.       accessories, so I’ll pass.
            C)  I understand your request for a pay raise, but   C)  Money is not an issue, but I’m pretty meticulous
               we can only consider it once the project is         with my tech stuff, so I don’t think I’ll need it.
                                                                D)  Look, I don’t have enough cash for all these
            D)  I’m fed up with the lack of concentration I’ve     extras. Just give me the tablet, and stop
               seen lately. Why don’t you look for another job?    bothering me.
            E)  Despite the challenges, our vision remains      E)  I appreciate your help, but I’m actually planning
               clear, and together, we can overcome any            to buy a new smartphone as well, so I’ll have to
               obstacle.                                           skip the extras for now.

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