P. 191

RESTATEMENT                            THEME 8

        53.  As genetic engineering continues to advance,   55.  In  renewable  energy,  engineers  prioritise
            ethical  considerations  about  its  effects  on    advanced solar panel designs to capture more
            society will remain paramount.                      sunlight rather than depending solely on fossil
            A)  The ethical implications of genetic engineering
               will always be crucial for the community, even   A)  Engineers in renewable energy rely only on
               after the field develops.                           fossil fuels while developing new solar panel
                                                                   technologies to obtain more sunlight.
            B)  Ethical problems about societal outcomes will
               emerge as the field of genetic engineering       B)  Instead of using only fossil fuels, renewable
               progresses.                                         energy engineers focus on advanced solar
            C)  As genetic engineering improves, ethical           panels in order to collect more sunlight.
               issues regarding its consequences on society     C)  Renewable energy engineers prioritise solar
               will be criticised.                                 panel designs, making use of sunlight to
            D)  Ethical concerns regarding the societal            reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
               impacts of genetic engineering will              D)  Engineers in renewable energy aim to minimise
               predominate as long as the field develops.          the use of fossil fuels by prioritising exclusively
                                                                   solar power and using more sunlight.
            E)  Concerns regarding the potential societal
               impacts of genetic engineering will grow if the   E)  Renewable energy engineers prefer using
               field develops further.                             sophisticated solar panels to get more sunlight
                                                                   but also work on fossil fuels.

        54.  Advancements in medical technology, proper     56.  Smart   devices   have   transformed   into
            nutrition,  and  better  living  conditions  have   extraordinary  companions  that  not  only
            considerably  increased  the  average  human        receive calls but also serve as personal health
            lifespan.                                           consultants.

            A)  Nothing has been more influential in            A)  Apart from receiving calls, smart gadgets have
               increasing human life expectancy than               become unusual companions that also act as
               improvements in medicine, better nutrition,         advisors for personal health.
               and higher life standards.                       B)  Smartphones, which are amazing companions,
            B)  Despite considerable progress in medical           have the capability to both receive calls and
               technology, nutrition, and living conditions,       provide consultation on health issues.
               the average human lifespan has not notably       C)  Digital devices have expanded their role as
               extended.                                           companions by making and receiving calls in
            C)  There has been a dramatic rise in our              addition to providing health consulting.
               standards of living, thanks to progress in       D)  Thanks to advancements in technology, smart
               medical technology and healthier eating             devices have become companions that can
                                                                   receive calls and provide health services.
            D)  It is the combined influence of medical         E)  Electronic devices that receive calls have
               technology, nutrition, and living conditions that   become incredible companions by serving as
               significantly affects human life expectancy.
                                                                   personal health consultants.
            E)  Human life expectancy has increased
               significantly due to improvements in medical
               technology, better living standards, and eating

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