P. 186

THEME 8                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Steve:                                         42.  Rose:
            –   Hey,  do  you  have  an  idea  about  the       –   Have you heard about articulated robots?
                concept of digital citizenship?                     Manufacturing industries widely use them
            Joen:                                                   for tasks such as painting and packaging.
            –   ----                                            Jack:
            Steve:                                              –   Oh,  you  mean  the  robots  with  arms  that
                                                                    move like human arms? Yeah, I know them,
            –   Exactly!   It   involves   knowing   how
                to  interact  respectfully  online  and             but there’s a lot of discussion about their
                understand  the  ethical  implications  of          impact on employment.
                your digital actions. In your opinion, what      Rose:
                makes for a good digital citizen?               –   ----
            Joen:                                               Jack:
            –   I think respecting others and being mindful     –   They definitely have the potential to
                of what you share online is crucial. It helps       eliminate some jobs, but they also create
                create  a  safer  and  more  positive  online       job opportunities in robot maintenance and
                environment for everyone.                           programming.

            A)  Of course, I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know   A)  Well, I’ve heard mixed opinions about the
               what it is or what it does. Is it related to        ethical implications of using industrial robotic
               coding?                                             arms in the workplace.
            B)  Yeah, I’ve come across it. It’s about           B)  Yes, some think they’ll totally replace manual
               understanding how to use technology and the         labour and also human workers. Thus, some
               internet responsibly, right?                        professions may come to an end.
            C)  Even though I don’t know exactly, I have a      C)  Absolutely. They can carry out these tasks
               guess. It’s using the internet for educational      rapidly and precisely, resulting in increased
               purposes only. Is it true?                          productivity and efficiency.
            D)  Yes, it sounds familiar. Does it have           D)  Indeed, it’s a topic of much debate. Today,
               something to do with creating and sharing           many types of robots, including articulated
               digital content like videos?                        ones, are used to perform repetitive tasks.
            E)  I’ve heard of it, but I thought it was mainly   E)  Really? I know the field of robotics and
               about online shopping and protecting your           the exploration of the uses of robots have
               financial information.                              substantially grown in the 21  century.

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