P. 181

SENTENCE COMPLETION                         THEME 8

        25.  ----, it is crucial for individuals and businesses   27.  Astronomers observe, analyse, and interpret the
            to adapt quickly in order to stay competitive in    movements,  compositions,  and  behaviours  of
            the market.                                         celestial bodies; ----.
            A)  If businesses focus on maximising their profits   A)  however, these findings are crucial for studying
               without considering the consequences of their      the early universe and the formation of the first
               decisions                                          galaxies
            B)  As long as companies keep placing a higher      B)  consequently, this discovery expands our
               value on outdated business practices than          knowledge of black holes and the dynamic
               they do on innovation                              processes
            C)  Since focusing too heavily on current           C)  otherwise, many of them work in academia,
               technological trends may divert attention from     research institutions, or government agencies
               long-term strategies                               such as NASA
            D)  Even though many organisations make             D)  that is, they try to understand the universe’s
               consistent investments in updating their           secrets and the underlying principles that
               technological capabilities                         govern it
            E)  Seeing that the pace of technological change    E)  even so, they work in education, sharing their
               can make even the latest technologies              knowledge and passion for astronomy with
               obsolete within months                             students

        26.  Living organisms function in a complex manner   28.  ----, they will be able to stay ahead of the game
            that  requires  various  biological  systems  to    in today’s fast-developing business world.
            work together; ----.
                                                                A)  As long as companies remain committed to
            A)  similarly, researchers still conduct studies to   embracing innovation and investing in digital
               fully understand the way that these systems        transformation
               influence one another
                                                                B)  Although science technologies have
            B)  namely, this delicate coordination is             dramatically improved various aspects of our
               sometimes vulnerable to breakdowns, which          lives
               can cause some health issues                     C)  Whereas digital marketing firms involve a
            C)  however, the harmony between these                broad range of strategies and tactics aimed at
               systems is a critical factor in the organism’s     promoting products
               ability to pass on genes                         D)  Since traditional advertising methods are
            D)  to illustrate, developmental processes can        overshadowed by influencers who can engage
               change their structure and function over the       with their followers online
               lifespan of the organism
                                                                E)  Unless some businesses commit to fostering
            E)  for this reason, even a small disruption in one   a culture of creativity, agility, and forward-thinking
               system can have widespread effects on the
               entire organism

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