P. 182


         29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Using  a  virtual  reality  (VR)  headset  in  education  is   30.  Which  of  the  following  is  true  according  to
        an  exciting  advance  that  can  potentially  improve   the passage about VR headsets?
        learning experiences. This invention allows students to
        examine artificial environments and carry out complex    A)  They are easy to set up and use without any
        simulations, which can make learning more engaging         need for support.
        and  precise.  For  example,  students  can  explore     B)  VR headsets are mainly used for history
        historical sites, conduct scientific experiments, or even   classes to discover ancient places.
        practise speaking a new language in realistic settings.   C)  Students using them can only benefit if they
        In  addition  to  regular  courses,  teachers  can  devise   are already proficient with technology.
        lessons  that  reveal  insights  into  subjects,  helping
        students  understand  them  more  accurately.  Although   D)  Regular use of virtual reality headsets can
        the initial process might seem complicated, consistent     result in demonstrable improvements in
        use can lead to measurable progress. Some students         learning.
        might find it difficult to adapt, but with support, these   E)  The use of virtual reality headsets makes
        issues  can  be  dealt  with  effectively.  While  the  cost   traditional educational materials obsolete.
        might  be  relatively  high,  the  educational  benefits  are
        extensive,  making  VR  a  feasible  option  for  modern
        classrooms. With the help of VR headsets, educators
        can help students maintain interest and focus, as well
        as reduce any potential learning deficit.

        29.  One can understand from the passage that ----.  31.  What is the passage mainly about?
            A)  VR headsets are primarily used for               A)  The health risks associated with using VR
               entertainment purposes in education                 headsets in education
            B)  the cost of VR headsets is negligible, making    B)  The technical challenges of setting up VR
               them accessible to all schools                      headsets
            C)  students can discover simulated settings,        C)  The potential benefits and challenges of using
               making learning more interesting and accurate       VR headsets in classrooms
            D)  the use of VR headsets eliminates the need       D)  The cost-effectiveness of VR headsets in
               for traditional teaching methods entirely           education
            E)  the use of VR headsets in education has          E)  The historical development of virtual reality
               been extensively proven to be without any           technology

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