P. 185

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 8

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Imagine  a  world  where  medicine  shrinks  down  to  a   39.  Which of the following can be inferred about the
        microscopic  level  and  works  directly  within  diseased   future of nanomedicine?
        cells. This is not science fiction; it is the exciting realm
        of  nanomedicine.  Scientists  are  currently  developing   A)  It is unlikely to overcome the challenges that
        nanoparticles—particles  that  are  thousands  of  times   it faces and will not be a feasible treatment
        smaller than the width of a human hair—to revolutionise    option.
        treatment. These tiny machines can infiltrate diseased   B)  It has already reached its full potential,
        tissues and deliver medication directly to the source of the   and there will not be significant further
        problem. When compared to traditional drugs that impact    advancements.
        the  entire  body,  nanomedicine  aims  to  minimise  side   C)  It is a developing field that can change
        effects and maximise treatment effectiveness. However,     medical treatments greatly despite the current
        this advancement also faces significant challenges. The    limitations.
        potential toxicity of nanoparticles is one primary concern,
        as  their  long-term  effects  on  the  human  body  are  not   D)  Researchers must conduct further studies to
        yet  fully  understood.  Additionally,  navigating  these   weigh the benefits against the risks of using
        particles  safely  to  specific  body  parts  without  causing   nanomedicine.
        unintended harm remains. Despite these complications,   E)  It will completely replace traditional medicine in
        nanomedicine is still in its early stages and holds great   the near future if it is given more funding and
        promise for the future.                                    support.

        38.  How  does  nanomedicine  differ  from  traditional   40.  Which of the following could be the best title for
            drug treatments?                                    the passage?
            A)  Nanomedicine uses larger particles than         A)  Shrinking Treatments, Bigger Impact
               traditional methods, which enhances the          B)  The Microscopic World of Nanoparticles
               overall absorption of drugs.
                                                                C)  Traditional Drugs vs Modern Technology
            B)  Unlike traditional therapies, nanomedicine
               focuses on the entire body instead of only on    D)  Overcoming Challenges in Future Medicine
               specific diseased cells.                         E)  Revolutionising Treatment: Nanorobots
            C)  Nanomedicine reduces adverse reactions
               and increases treatment efficacy by directly
               targeting diseased cells.
            D)  Because of the size of nanoparticles,
               nanomedicine tends to cause more side
               effects and has longer-lasting effects.
            E)  The methods that are used in nanomedicine
               typically involve advanced technology, such
               as nanorobots.

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