P. 188

THEME 8                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

        45.  Doris:                                         46.  Reporter:
            –   Online marketing strategies have evolved        –   There’s  a  growing  fear  that  AI  could
                significantly lately.                               potentially replace human jobs. As a writer,
            Patrick:                                                are you concerned about that?
            –   Absolutely!  It’s  incredible  that  adverts      Isaac:
                now  seem  adjusted  specifically  to  my       –   ----
                interests.                                      Reporter:
                                                                –   What do you mean by that?
            –   ----                                            Isaac:
                                                                –   The more texts written by AI are prevalent,
            –   That’s  a  valid  concern.  Regulations  are        the more people get used to its language
                needed  to  ensure  privacy  and  protect           and  communicate  in  a  robotic  manner,
                consumers from potential misuse of their            using  the  same  limited  word  patterns  all
                personal information.                               the time.

            A)  The question is: How ethical is it to utilise   A)  Not really. Personally, I see it as a tool that can
               such a vast amount of personal data for             enhance my creativity rather than a threat to
               advertising purposes?                               my job.
            B)  Yeah, it’s pretty remarkable. Have you found    B)  Well, I’m more concerned about losing our
               any clever ways to navigate through it all?         communication skills and emotions and
                                                                   becoming like a machine.
            C)  It’s helpful for me. I’m more likely to come
               across products or services that genuinely       C)  No, there will always be a demand for original
               interest me.                                        ideas and unique perspectives that only human
                                                                   writers can provide.
            D)  It sometimes feels a bit like being watched,
               but it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to.  D)  AI can create content, but literature is not
            E)  It’s like having a virtual assistant that knows    just about bringing words together; it requires
               my tastes, making it easier to discover new         feelings, which AI lacks.
               things I might enjoy.                            E)  Yes, it’s natural to worry about something
                                                                   impacting job security, especially in creative
                                                                   fields like ours.

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