P. 193

SITUATION                            THEME 8

        61.  You visit your grandma, who recently received   63.  You  are  a  project  manager  leading  a  team
            a  new  smartphone  as  a  gift.  However,  you     tasked  with  designing  a  new  educational
            notice  that  staring  at  the  phone  screen  with   platform for teaching coding to children. During
            confusion,  she  tries  to  navigate  through  the   a brainstorming session, one suggests creating
            apps but seems to struggle with even the most       video  tutorials  for  coding  lessons.  However,
            basic functions. She tells you that she is too      you disagree, offering that interactive activities
            old  to  use  that  device,  with  sadness  in  her   that avoid one-way communication would
            voice. You want to encourage her and give an        provide a more engaging and effective learning
            idea. So you say: ----                              experience. So you say: ----
            A)  Why don’t you try using the phone as a          A)  I don’t think learning via videos will be effective
               doorstop instead? It’ll be more useful.             for kids. We should create downloadable
            B)  I guess you should look into getting one of
               those big-buttoned, easy-to-use models.          B)  I think we can produce podcasts because they
            C)  Come on, it’s not rocket science! Just tap         are more convenient for children to listen to on
               around randomly until something happens.            the go.
            D)  Maybe smartphones just aren’t your thing.       C)  I’m not in favour of teaching through videos.
               Have you considered going back to using a           Exercises that actively involve kids will be more
               landline phone?                                     appealing and enhance learning.
                                                                D)  Children will struggle with video lessons. Let’s
            E)  How about we start with something simple,
               like making a phone call or sending a text          prioritise written activities since they are easier
                                                                   for children to follow.
                                                                E)  I disagree with the idea of using interactive
                                                                   exercises, as they can be distractive. Brief
                                                                   videos will be much better.

        62.  You are a physics professor at a prestigious   64.  You  are  an  astronaut  aboard  the  International
            university,  welcoming  your  students  on  the     Space Station (ISS) and are observing the vast
            first day of school. After congratulating them      expanse of space through the window of your
            on  passing  their  university  entrance  exams,    spacecraft.  Suddenly,  a  bright  flash  of  light
            you  explain  the  course  objectives  and  your    catches  your  eye  outside  the  ISS.  It  could  be
            expectations  from  them.  You  deliver  a  long    a  piece  of  space  debris  or  something  more
            speech to emphasise the importance of critical      fascinating. You decide to report this to ground
            thinking over mere memorisation. To sum up          control. So you say: ----
            your point, you say: ----
                                                                A)  There’s a strange object outside; should I go
            A)  University education can be the key to             out and try to capture it to study its origin?
               unlocking the golden door of freedom from        B)  Shall we inform other agencies since this
               ignorance.                                          unidentified object may be a new planet?
            B)  The measure of intelligence is not IQ tests     C)  It might pose a potential threat to the ISS, so
               or other exams; it is the ability to change         should I ignore the unidentified object?
                                                                D)  I have spotted an unidentified object outside
            C)  Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because         the ISS. Should we investigate it further?
               the only way to avoid making mistakes is to
               have no new ideas.                               E)  I hope it goes away on its own, but should I
                                                                   take any action for the safety of the crew?
            D)  To foster innovation, one needs imagination
               more than knowledge, for knowledge is
            E)  As Albert Einstein once said, “Education is
               not the learning of facts but the training of the
               mind to think.”.

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