P. 190

THEME 8                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  Progress in digital technology will not be fully   51.  Though modern advancements have improved
            realised  unless  companies  prioritise  regular    our convenience of living, they have also made
            system upgrades and employee training.              us more vulnerable to cyberattacks and privacy
            A)  If companies deliberately avoid system
               upgrades and employee training, they will be     A)  Technology has undoubtedly simplified our
               unable to keep up with current technological        lives, yet it has made things complicated
               progress.                                           by allowing our personal information to be
            B)  Digital technology’s rapid growth will not be
               achieved until businesses invest in training     B)  Cyberattacks and privacy breaches continue
               their employees and constantly upgrading            to pose a significant threat to individuals and
               their systems.                                      organisations in spite of the advancements in
            C)  If companies do not concentrate on consistent
               system improvements and staff training,          C)  As modern developments have changed our
               advancements in digital technology will not be      lives drastically, cyber security has become
               truly achieved.                                     increasingly important in preserving our
            D)  In order to achieve progress in digital            privacy.
               technology, it is necessary for organisations    D)  Had the rapid changes in technology not made
               to emphasise system updates and personnel           our daily lives easier, we might not be as open
               training.                                           to both online attacks and privacy violations.
            E)  Innovations in digital technology will be       E)  Modern developments have made our lives
               obtained properly even if companies overlook        more convenient, but they have also increased
               routine system upgrades and personnel               our susceptibility to cyberattacks and privacy
               education.                                          invasions.

        50.  In  contrast  to  traditional  manufacturing   52.  If  antibiotics  had  not  been  discovered,  many
            techniques,  3D  printing  enables  the  rapid      bacterial  infections  that  we  can  easily  treat
            creation  of  complex  objects  with  reduced       today would still be life-threatening.
                                                                A)  Before the discovery of antibiotics, many
            A)  3D printing provides the quick and waste-free      infections were highly incurable and posed a
               making of complicated things, similar to            serious threat to some people’s lives.
               customary ways of manufacturing.
                                                                B)  Antibiotics are important because they can
            B)  Contrary to conventional methods, 3D printing      treat most bacterial infections successfully,
               production enables intricate objects to be          which saves many lives.
               created with less waste.                         C)  Thanks to the discovery of antibiotics, it is now
            C)  As opposed to customary production                 easy to cure many bacterial infections which
               techniques, 3D printing makes it possible to        once threatened lives.
               manufacture things with far less waste.          D)  Even simple bacterial infections were
            D)  3D printing allows intricate things to be          life-threatening before the discovery of
               instantly created with less waste, unlike           antibiotics, but today, all of them are easily
               conventional production methods.                    treatable.
            E)  In comparison with 3D printing, traditional     E)  Many infectious diseases used to be cured
               ways of manufacturing allow intricate objects       with antibiotics; nevertheless, treating some
               to be made quickly with more waste.                 infections today is very hard.

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