P. 187

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 8

        43.  Paul:                                          44.  Vivian:
            –   Self-driving cars are fascinating but raise     –   Did you see the news about the new space
                big  concerns  over  safety  and  liability.        telescope they’re launching? It’s supposed
                Who’s responsible if one crashes?                   to  give  us  an  even  deeper  look  into  the
            Ash:                                                    universe.
            –   It’s  complicated.  Probably  the  company
                that  builds  it,  but  if  the  owner  ignores   –  ----
                maintenance, maybe some blame shifts.           Vivian:
            Paul:                                               –   That’s a fair concern, but space exploration
            –   ----                                                often leads to technological innovations
            Ash:                                                    that  improve  our  daily  lives.  It  can  also
                                                                    help us better understand climate change,
            –   Totally.  They  need  to  create  guidelines,       enhance  natural  disaster  response,  and
                test  the  cars  rigorously,  and  have  open       potentially find new resources.
                procedures for looking into crashes. It’s a
                shared responsibility.                          Roger:
                                                                –   You’re right. I didn’t think about it that way.
            A)  Did the researchers succeed in creating a
               system that can predict potential malfunctions   A)  Yeah, still, I don’t understand why scientists
               in these cars?                                      are so obsessed with searching for life outside
                                                                   our planet.
            B)  Could it be because these cars are still
               relatively new technology, and the laws          B)  I’ve seen that on the news. Isn’t it the one
               surrounding them are still evolving?                that can capture high-resolution images and
            C)  Do you think these cars will become the norm       analyse distant galaxies?
               in the future, or will traditional driving continue   C)  Yes, but do you think we’re investing too much
               to be preferred?                                    in space while there are so many issues here
            D)  In fact, many people are still debating the        on Earth?
               legal and ethical implications of self-driving   D)  I’ve read some articles which say it has cost a
               cars, aren’t they?                                  significant amount. What specific goals does it
                                                                   aim to achieve?
            E)  That makes sense. But what about the role
               of government? Shouldn’t they set and apply      E)  I think the findings of such research should
               safety rules for these cars?                        be presented to the public in a simpler way,

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