P. 195

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 8

        69.  Quantum  superposition  is  a  fundamental     71.  Ambulance  drones  are  uncrewed  vehicles
            concept  in  quantum  mechanics.  It  suggests      designed  to  get   medical  supplies  to
            that  particles  can  exist  in  multiple  states  at    emergency  sites  quickly.  ----  Their  small  size
            once  until  they  are  observed.  ----  In  this   also  allows  them  to  access  hard-to-reach
            experiment,  a  hypothetical cat is sealed in a     areas  immediately.  Thus,  these  drones  can
            box, and it is considered both alive and dead       significantly reduce response times in critical
            simultaneously until the box is opened and the      situations, which could potentially save lives.
            cat’s  state  is  observed.  It  shows  the  strange   With real-time monitoring technology built in,
            nature of quantum mechanics, where particles        ambulance drones ensure efficient and timely
            can  display  behaviours  that  contradict          delivery  of  medical  assistance,  enhancing
            classical reasoning.                                emergency healthcare services.

            A)  Schrödinger’s cat has become a popular          A)  Traditional ambulances with human emergency
               metaphor in discussions about the nature of         responders may still be more effective.
                                                                B)  Thanks to high-tech navigation systems, they
            B)  Schrödinger used a radioactive atom, a Geiger      can get around urban areas with precision.
               counter, a hammer, and a vial of poison.
                                                                C)  They have limited payload capacity, which may
            C)  Scientists use the concept and refer to the        not be able to carry large medical equipment.
               experiment to emphasise the importance of        D)  Their use can ease burdens on emergency
               observation.                                        services by providing faster medical attention.
            D)  Being in multiple states is against our         E)  Some technical issues could seriously delay or
               understanding of everyday reality and               hinder the delivery of vital supplies.
               classical physics.
            E)  Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment that
               is used to illustrate this concept.

        70.  Some  fish  species  have  been  discovered  to   72.  The  exposome  is  a  concept  that  encompasses
            use  sound  to  communicate,  just  like  marine    all  the  environmental  exposures  a  person  gets
            mammals  or  many  land  species.  ----  While      throughout  their  life.  These  exposures  include
            the  Atlantic  croakers  produce  sounds  to        everything  from  the  air  we  breathe  and  the
            convey information about their size, strength,      food we eat to the chemicals we encounter and
            and  reproductive  status,  some  fish,  like  the   the  stress  we  experience.  ----  By  studying  the
            damselfish, use sound to keep other animals         exposome,  scientists  hope  to  identify  external
            away and protect their nests. For the scientific    factors that contribute to diseases. All in all, this
            world, these vocalisations are very important       approach shifts the focus from just our genetic
            in  terms  of  recognising  both  fish  and  their   makeup to the broader picture of our environment
            freshwater ecosystems.                              and lifestyle.

            A)  However, these acoustic signals do not serve    A)  Exposome research poses several challenges
               the same purpose for every fish species.            for researchers in terms of its complexity.
            B)  The toadfish make sounds by moving an           B)  The idea is to understand how all of these
               organ called the swim bladder in their bodies.      interact with our genes and influence our
            C)  Researchers use recorders in order to gather
               many kinds of data from marine ecosystems.       C)  Another belief suggests that an individual’s
                                                                   health is mainly determined by their genetics.
            D)  As fish lack the ability to create sounds like
               mammals, they utilise distinct methods.          D)  Air pollution affects billions worldwide and
                                                                   poses significant risks to respiratory health.
            E)  Yet, some noises, such as those made during
               feeding, are produced unintentionally.           E)  Traditional methods for measuring these
                                                                   factors are costly and time-consuming.

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