P. 199

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 8

        85.  (I)  E-Devlet  is  a  digital  platform  developed  by   87.  (I)  Neuroscience  has  significantly  advanced  the
            Türkiye  to  provide  citizens  with  easy  access  to  a   understanding of memory formation and retrieval,
            wide range of government services online. (II) With   owing to the development of neuroimaging tools.
            this  technology,  transactions  can  be  done  faster,   (II)  This  advancement  is  crucial  for  addressing
            and citizens can complete official tasks more easily.   challenges  in  memory  and  maximising  cognitive
            (III) Despite advanced security measures, there are   ability.  (III)  Researchers  can  observe  the  brain’s
            always risks of storing sensitive personal data online.   activities  when  individuals  encode,  store,  and
            (IV)  It  also  reduces  the  need  for  physical  visits  to   recall  information  thanks  to  them.  (IV)  Besides,
            government offices, which saves time and resources   they are able to carry out studies on specific brain
            for users. (V) This demonstrates how technology can   regions that play crucial roles in different types of
            transform  traditional  government  services,  making   memory.  (V)  Thus,  they  can  develop  necessary
            them more user-friendly and efficient.              treatments  for  those  areas  of  memory-related
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I) Digital natives are individuals who have grown   88.  (I)  Smart  jewellery  offers  a  balance  between
            up  in  the  era  of  digital  technology.  (II)  Digital   technology and aesthetics and allows you to stay
            immigrants,  however,  are  those  who  were  not   connected  while  expressing  your  personal  style.
            born into the digital world but have adapted to it   (II) These pieces can track your activities, monitor
            later in life. (III) They are often characterised by   your  health,  and  even  receive  notifications  from
            their  familiarity  and  comfort  with  computers,  the   your  smartphone.  (III)  Nonetheless,  some  smart
            Internet,  and  mobile  devices  from  a  young  age.   jewellery may lack aesthetic appeal. (IV) They are
            (IV) Unlike previous generations, they are highly   perfect for those who want to integrate technology
            skilled at managing digital environments and using   into  their  daily  lives  while  looking  fashionable.
            social media and online tools for various purposes.   (V) With many designs and features to pick from,
            (V) This proficiency often leads to a distinct way   there is something for everyone wishing to combine
            of processing information and interacting with the   fashion with functionality.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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