P. 197


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Güneş ışığı, enerji sağladığı ve temel biyolojik   79.  Geleneksel temizlik yöntemleri zaman ve çaba
            süreçleri  düzenlediği  için  Dünya  üzerindeki     gerektirirken robot süpürgeler gibi akıllı cihazlar
            hemen  hemen  tüm  organizmalar  için  çok          ev işlerini çok daha kolay hâle getirmektedir.
                                                                A)  Whereas traditional cleaning methods require
            A)  Sunlight is crucial for almost all organisms       time and effort, smart devices such as robot
               on Earth because it provides energy and             vacuums make household chores much easier.
               regulates fundamental biological processes.      B)  Robot vacuums and other smart home
            B)  Besides providing energy, sunlight also            appliances make formerly traditional cleaning
               regulates the biological processes of almost        tasks effortless and much simpler.
               all organisms on Earth, making it vital.         C)  Smart devices like robotic cleaners simplify and
            C)  The fact that sunlight provides energy to          speed up home activities that require time and
               almost every organism on Earth and regulates        effort with traditional cleaning techniques.
               biological processes makes it very important.    D)  Conventional cleaning techniques necessitate
            D)  Sunlight is crucial for all living things on       a great amount of time and effort, but smart
               Earth, as it not only provides energy but also      devices like robot vacuums make domestic
               regulates basic biological processes.               tasks easier.
            E)  Sunlight is crucial for most organisms on       E)  Smart technology like robot cleaners simplifies
               Earth since it provides energy and regulates        domestic duties, whereas traditional cleaning
               nearly all fundamental biological processes.        methods demand more time and effort.

        78.  Yaklaşık   30°C’lik   kendine   özgü   erime   80.  Cıvanın  yoğunluğu  demirinkinden  yaklaşık  iki
            noktasıyla  galyum,  elektronikte,  özellikle       kat fazladır; bu yüzden bir demir kütlesi, cıvanın
            de  LED  teknolojisinde  kullanılan  gümüşi  bir    içinde batmadan rahatlıkla yüzebilir.
                                                                A)  Iron’s density is almost as high as that of
            A)  Gallium’s unique melting point of about 30°C       mercury; therefore, an iron mass can float in
               finds primary use in electronics, especially in     mercury without sinking.
               silvery LED applications.
                                                                B)  Mercury’s density is approximately two times
            B)  As a silvery metal with a melting point of         greater than iron’s; even so, a piece of iron can
               30°C, gallium is used particularly in the           easily float in mercury.
               development of LED technology.
                                                                C)  The density of mercury is so much higher than
            C)  With a unique melting point of about 30°C,
               gallium is a silvery metal used in electronics,     that of iron that a piece of iron can easily float
               especially for LED technology.                      in mercury without sinking.
            D)  Gallium is a unique silvery metal with a        D)  Mercury’s density is about twice that of iron, so
               melting point of 30°C, and it is used in the        an iron mass can easily float in mercury without
               electronics industry, predominantly for LED         sinking.
                                                                E)  Since mercury has a density that is almost
            E)  Known for its unique melting point of              twice that of iron, a mass of iron never sinks in
               approximately 30°C and silvery colour, gallium      mercury.
               is primarily used in the electronics sector,
               especially in LED technology.

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