P. 198

THEME 8                      IRRELEVANT SENTENCE

         81. - 88. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
         okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
         bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

        81.  (I)  Game  engineering  is  a  field  that  combines   83.  (I) Synthesised by a team of scientists in 2002,
            technical  expertise  with  creative  innovation.    oganesson  is  the  most  recent  addition  to  the
            (II) It encompasses various disciplines, including   periodic  table,  with  an  atomic  number  of  118.
            programming, graphic design, audio engineering,     (II) As a synthetic element, it does not exist
            and project management. (III) Game engineers        naturally and has only been produced in laboratory
            work  to  conceptualise,  design,  develop,  and    settings. (III) The study of oganesson has sparked
            test  video  games  for  various  platforms,  such   renewed interest in the field of nuclear chemistry.
            as  consoles,  computers,  and  mobile  devices.    (IV) Making oganesson is a very difficult process,
            (IV)  They  utilise  programming  languages         as synthetic elements are radioactive and decay
            and  integrate  visual  and  audio  elements  to    rapidly  into  lighter  elements.  (V)  Scientists
            enhance  the  gaming  experience.  (V)  Until  the   have  only  been  able  to  produce  a  few  atoms  of
            last  decade,  games  did  not  provide  smooth     oganesson  at  a  time,  and  its  extreme  instability
            gameplay,  engaging  storytelling,  graphics,  and   makes it challenging to study.
            sound effects.
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        82.  (I)  Scientific  methods  and  inquiry  form  the   84.  (I) Banking has evolved significantly from its early
            backbone of experimental techniques, providing      beginnings  to  the  present  day.  (II)  In  ancient
            a  structured  approach  to  exploring  questions   times,  banking  was  a  simple  process  involving
            and  testing  hypotheses.  (II)  The  first  step  in   the  safekeeping  and  lending  of  commodities.
            this  procedure  is  to  gather  information  through   (III)  During  the  Renaissance,  modern  banking
            careful  observation  and  formulate  a  research   emerged  in  Italy  when  families  like  the  Medici
            topic. (III) Scientists then develop a hypothesis, a   established   powerful   financial   institutions
            testable prediction based on existing knowledge.    that  provided  a  range  of  services.  (IV)  Early
            (IV)  To  test  this  hypothesis,  they  design  and   Mesopotamians kept their money, primarily in the
            conduct experiments, meticulously collecting and    form of barley and silver, in temples and palaces.
            analysing  data.  (V)  The  laboratory  equipment   (V)  Today,  banking  is  a  highly  sophisticated
            used in the experiments often includes beakers,     industry  that  uses  advanced  technology  to  offer
            pipettes, and burners.                              digital  banking  services,  online  transactions,  and
                                                                global financial networks.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

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