P. 175

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 7

        85.  (I)  Human  psychology  is  a  field  exploring  the   87.  (I) It is crucial to use sign language interpretation
            complexities  of  the  human  mind  and  behaviour.    at  public  events  and  in  the  media  in  terms  of
            (II)  One  special  aspect  of  it  is  the  study  of    disability accessibility. (II) Providing sign language
            resilience—the  ability  to  adapt  and  recover  from   interpreters  at  live  events  allows  hearing-
            adversity. (III) This adaptive capacity can change   impaired  individuals  to  engage  with  the  content.
            greatly from person to person, influenced by factors   (III) Interpreters help facilitate communication in a
            such as childhood experiences and social support.    variety  of  contexts.  (IV)  Similarly,  sign  language
            (IV) Resilience is not just about enduring difficulties;   interpretation  for  TV  broadcasts  and  other  media
            it  involves  learning  from  them  to  get  stronger.    enhances inclusivity. (V) This practice both respects
            (V) Because of this distinction, psychologists can   the  rights  of  those  who  communicate  primarily
            work differently with each individual to help them   through  sign  language  and  fosters  a  culture  of
            develop coping strategies against life’s challenges.  understanding and acceptance.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I) Scientists often highlight the incredible benefits   88.  (I) Volunteerism is an important part of community
            of friendship for mental health. (II) Recent studies   engagement,  but  have  you  ever  considered  its
            have  also  proved  that  having  good  friends  can   impact on mental health? (II) It allows many to find
            increase one’s lifespan. (III) The findings showed   fulfilment and purpose, which improves their overall
            that close friendships serve as a protective barrier   well-being.  (III)  Volunteering  can  also  provide  a
            against  stress  and  help  individuals  cope  better   sense of connection and belonging, which reduces
            with  life’s  challenges,  both  psychologically  and   feelings  of  isolation  and  loneliness.  (IV)  This  can
            physiologically.  (IV)  Interestingly,  research  has   positively affect mental health by lifting mood and
            found that friends often share similar genetic traits.   decreasing  symptoms  of  depression  and  anxiety.
            (V) Additionally, this type of support is not limited   (V) To sum up, without adequate support, volunteers
            to humans but is also observed in pets, particularly   may feel isolated and unsupported in their efforts.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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