P. 174

THEME 7                      IRRELEVANT SENTENCE

         81. - 88. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
         okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
         bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

        81.  (I)  The  unwritten  standards  that  control   83.  (I)  In  a  healthy  family  environment,  open
            behaviour  in  organisations  and  cultures  are    communication   is   essential   for   fostering
            known as social norms. (II) These silent codes of   understanding   and   resolving   conflicts
            conduct serve as the backbone of social order,      constructively.  (II) It provides a secure area
            ensuring  that  people  act  in  appropriate  and   for  family  members  to  discuss  their  thoughts,
            accepted ways. (III) However, one of the most       feelings,   and   worries   without   judgement.
            considerable disadvantages of these rules is that   (III) Through open communication, they can
            people  stop  questioning  the  purpose  of  them.   develop  stronger  bonds  with  one  another.
            (IV)  For  instance,  standing  in  line  rather  than   (IV)  Sharing  hobbies  and  interests  can  further
            pushing  ahead  is  a  social  norm  that  promotes   strengthen  these  bonds  by  allowing  shared
            fairness. (V) Understanding and following these     experiences  and  quality  time.  (V)  Ultimately,  it
            norms is crucial for social harmony and personal    builds an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect,
            interactions.                                       creating  a  harmonious  and  supportive  family
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        82.  (I)  Individuality  and  selfishness  are  sometimes   84.  (I)  The  United  Nations  is  an  international
            confused,  yet  they  represent  fundamentally      organisation  founded  in  1945  after  World  War  II.
            different  concepts.  (II)  In  various  cultures,  the   (II)  Its  main  goal  is  to  promote  global  peace  and
            importance  of  individuality  is  often  highlighted   security  in  addition  to  protecting  human  rights.
            as  a  means  of  achieving  personal  fulfilment   (III)  It  operates  through  various  specialised
            and  societal  advancement.  (III)  The  term       agencies,  such  as  the  World  Health  Organisation
            ‘individuality’  describes  the  qualities  and  traits   and  the  United  Nations  Children’s  Fund,  to
            that make an individual separate from the crowd     overcome  specific  global  challenges.  (IV)  Still,
            and emphasise their sense of self. (IV) It involves   many people around the world do not have enough
            discovering  one’s  own  voice,  following  one’s   food  to  eat,  which  is  a  big  problem  we  need  to
            passions, and improving one’s skills. (V) On the    solve  together.  (V)  It  also  plays  a  crucial  role
            other  hand,  excessive  attention  to  one’s  own   in  coordinating  humanitarian  aid  during  natural
            needs  and  wants,  frequently  at  the  expense  of   disasters and conflicts.
            others, is a sign of selfishness.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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