P. 166

THEME 7                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  People  without  strong  social  relationships   51.  Starting an exchange programme is a wonderful
            are at a much higher risk for various diseases      experience, yet overcoming cultural differences
            compared to those with powerful social ties.        and  language  barriers  can  be  challenging  at
            A)  Individuals who lack social connections have
               a reduced risk of many types of illnesses        A)  When you participate in a cultural exchange
               compared to those with strong social bonds.         programme, one of the most common
                                                                   challenges you face is the language barrier.
            B)  A lot of different diseases are less likely to
               happen to individuals who do not have solid      B)  Despite having obstacles at times, exchange
               social relationships than to people who do.         programmes are thrilling adventures that
                                                                   promise to teach you about new cultures and
            C)  People having robust social bonds are at a far
               lower risk for diverse disorders than the ones      languages.
               who lack solid social connections.               C)  Though embarking on an exchange
            D)  Without strong social relationships, there is      programme is an amazing experience,
               a greater likelihood for some individuals to        sometimes it can be hard to get past linguistic
               suffer from certain types of diseases.              and cultural obstacles.
            E)  Compared to people with weaker social ties,     D)  Some may be hesitant to begin an exchange
               the ones possessing robust social connections       programme because overcoming cultural
               are at increased risk of various disorders.         differences and language barriers can be
                                                                   difficult at times.
                                                                E)  Once you begin a cultural exchange
                                                                   programme, you will have an incredible
                                                                   opportunity to overcome language barriers.

        50.  Enhancing  societies  with  various  kinds  of   52.  When  individuals  feel  a  strong  sense  of
            customs is not the only contribution of cultural    belonging,  they  are  more  likely  to  contribute
            diversity;  it  promotes  tolerance  between        positively to their community.
            people as well.
                                                                A)  Only when individuals make generous
            A)  Diversity of cultures not only enhances            contributions can they feel a sense of
               communities with traditions but also promotes       belonging in their community.
               tolerance between people.                        B)  A strong sense of belonging is the only factor
            B)  In addition to fostering mutual understanding,     that makes individuals serve their society
               cultural diversity also enriches communities        positively.
               with a variety of traditions.                    C)  Individuals who contribute enormously to their
            C)  Fostering mutual tolerance and enriching           community are more likely to feel a strong
               societies with different customs are among          sense of belonging.
               the major benefits of cultural diversity.
                                                                D)  Helping the people in a community greatly is
            D)  Apart from enriching societies with different      one way for individuals to feel a strong sense
               types of traditions, cultural diversity also        of belonging.
               enhances the understanding of tolerance.
                                                                E)  People show a greater tendency to serve their
            E)  Thanks to the diversity of cultures,               society favourably once a powerful sense of
               communities are enriched with customs, and          belonging is felt.
               understanding of people is fostered mutually.

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