P. 163

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 7

        43.  Mia:                                           44.  Emily:
            –   Did  you  see  that  article  about  the  rise   –   I  think  social  media  has  substantially
                of  online  work?  Apparently,  a  lot  more        changed the way we communicate with
                people are working remotely these days.             each other.
            Steve:                                              Alex:

            –   Yeah,  it’s  interesting  to  see  more         –   Yeah, although we can contact one another
                companies  are  adopting  remote  work              more often, our interactions have become
                opportunities. Hoping mine does too.                more virtual and less in-person.
            Mia:                                                Emily:
            –   ----                                            –   ----
            Steve:                                              Alex:
            –   True, but I think we could balance it with      –   I  agree.  While  social  media  connects  us
                occasional  office  visits  for  meetings  or       globally, it also impairs our ability to form
                team activities.                                    authentic and face-to-face communication.

            A)  If I were you, I’d be concerned about its effect   A)  Absolutely! In my opinion, social media
               on productivity. Being at home has too many         has made communication easier and more
               distractions.                                       convenient.
            B)  Really? Don’t you think you would miss          B)  To be honest, I haven’t really thought about it.
               the social aspect of working in an office           I try to avoid spending too much time on social
               environment?                                        media.
            C)  You’re right, Steve. Maybe remote work is the   C)  Exactly! It’s like a paradox. We’re more
               future! Offices are a thing of the past, aren’t     connected than ever but also more distant in
               they?                                               some ways.
            D)  Don’t you fear that being out of sight could    D)  Well, social media offers a platform for sharing
               mean being overlooked for promotions and            experiences, yet it also promotes a culture of
               career growth?                                      comparison.
            E)  Isn’t remote work actually healthier? No more   E)  In fact, I’ve read about studies showing the
               coping with crowded office spaces or lengthy        negative effects of social media on interpersonal
               commutes!                                           relationships.

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