P. 158


         29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Long  before  the  written  word,  storytelling  was  the   30.  The  underlined  word  ‘advent’  is  closest  in
        primary means of preserving history, teaching lessons,   meaning to ----.
        and entertaining one another. It enabled communities
        to  pass  down  knowledge  and  traditions  from  one    A)  invasion
        generation to the next and helped shape the collective   B)  arrival
        identity of a group. Myths, legends, and folktales that   C)  decline
        not only explained the mysteries of the natural world but
        also offered guidance on how to handle life’s challenges   D)  failure
        were  shared  through  the  enduring  practice  of  oral   E)  concern
        tradition.  Even  with  the  advent  of  writing,  storytelling
        has remained a powerful tool for connecting people and
        conserving cultural heritage. Today, it keeps developing
        and employing various mediums such as books, films,
        social media, and podcasts, thereby keeping audiences
        around the world entertained, educated, and inspired.
        Consequently,  storytelling  will  continue  to  be  a  vital
        aspect of human culture and adapt to new technologies
        in the future.

        29.  What  can  be  understood  from  the  passage   31.  The author’s primary purpose is to ----.
            about  the  significance  of  storytelling  in  the
            past?                                                A)  compare the art of storytelling to other forms
                                                                   of communication
            A)  Storytelling was primarily used as a form of     B)  discuss the pros and cons of storytelling with
               entertainment and had little impact on cultural     modern technology
                                                                 C)  introduce the various methods of storytelling
            B)  The transfer of cultural knowledge through         in different cultures
               storytelling was a bit incidental and not its
               main purpose.                                     D)  inform readers about the emergence and
                                                                   significance of storytelling
            C)  Storytelling had a crucial role in sustaining a
               community’s legacy and fostering a common         E)  predict the future of storytelling and its
               sense of identity.                                  possible effect on communities
            D)  The function of storytelling changed
               significantly with writing and started to lose its
               importance in life.
            E)  It was the development of modern technology
               that allowed storytelling to truly influence

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