P. 155

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 7

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        The  fear  of  missing  out  (FOMO)  is  a  common   Disability rights and accessibility are crucial for creating
        phenomenon  among  many,  especially  the  young    inclusive  and  fair  societies,  and  each  one  of  us  has
        population.  According  to  statistics,  seven  (11)----  ten   a  role  to  play  in  this.  Full  participation  in  community
        young adults experience it today. It is the fear of being   life is possible for people with disabilities when we all
        excluded from enjoyable experiences or opportunities   (16)----  access  to  public  places,  transportation,
        that  others  have.  (12)----,  it  is  the  feeling  that  other   schools, and jobs. (17)---- legal protections, standards
        people are having more fun or leading better lives than   for  accessible  infrastructure  are  established,  and
        you.  The  term  first  began  (13)----  by  psychologists   safeguards  against  discrimination  are  put  in  place.
        in  the  early  2000s.  Over  the  years,  it  has  gained   However,  (18)----  these  standards  requires  collective
        more  attention  (14)----  the  prevalent  use  of  social   responsibility.  (19)----,  individuals  and  governments
        media  platforms.  People  with  FOMO  feel  anxious  or   must  collaborate  to  enforce  policies  that  promote
        inadequate when they see images of others’ seemingly   ethical  behaviours  and  social  justice.  By  increasing
        exciting lives online. Fortunately, with the right support   awareness  and  understanding,  we  can  break  down
        and  coping  strategies,  individuals  can  (15)----  the   barriers and work for a world that respects the dignity
        unpleasant feelings of FOMO and find contentment in   and rights of all individuals, (20)---- their abilities.
        their own lives.

        11.  A) past                                        16.  A) condemn
             B) out of                                          B) impair
             C) inside                                          C) equate
             D) following                                       D) nominate
             E) over                                            E) undergo

        12.   A) On the contrary                            17.   A) Without
             B) Afterwards                                      B) Among

             C) Nevertheless                                    C) For
             D) In other words                                  D) Next to
             E) By comparison                                   E) Following

        13.   A) to use                                     18.   A) being fostered
             B) having used                                     B) fostering
             C) to be used                                      C) having fostered
             D) to be using                                     D) to be fostered
             E) having been used                                E) to be fostering

        14.   A) in spite of                                19.  A) Nonetheless
             B) prior to                                        B) Instead
             C) in case of                                      C) In contrast
             D) except for                                      D) Therefore
             E) as a result of                                  E) In fact

        15.   A) wear out                                   20.   A) regardless of
             B) hand down                                       B) on account of
             C) put off                                         C) with respect to
             D) get through                                     D) by virtue of
             E) rely on                                         E) for the sake of
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