P. 151

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 6

        85.  (I) Operas are quite similar to musicals, as they both   87.  (I) Turkish cinema is known for its unique storytelling
            integrate  more  than  one  type  of  art.  (II)  Musicals   and exploration of cultural and social themes. (II) It
            are theatrical performances that combine singing,   has a rich history with films in diverse genres and
            dancing,  and  dialogue  to  tell  a  story.  (III)  They   gifted  actors.  (III)  Turkish  films  and  actors  have
            are performed with memorable choreography that      gained  worldwide  popularity  and  value.  (IV)  Both
            develops  the  plot  and  characters.  (IV)  There  are   domestic  film  festivals,  such  as  those  in  Antalya
            various genres of musicals, from drama to comedy.   and Adana, and international ones, like Cannes and
            (V) One famous example of these genres is Cats.     Berlin, have awarded them. (V) The festivals offer
                                                                opportunities for networking and cooperation.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I)  Of  Mice  and  Men  is  a  novel  written  by  John   88.  (I) Storytellers who bring stories to life play a vital
            Steinbeck.  (II)  It  tells  the  story  of  two  friends,   role  in  audiobooks.  (II)  Audiobooks  offer  an  easy
            George  and  Lennie,  who  travel  together  looking   way  for  us  to  enjoy  literature  while  on  the  move.
            for work during the Great Depression. (III) George   (III) Busy people prefer them over traditional reading
            is smart but small, while Lennie is strong but has   due to their convenience. (IV) Additionally, they can
            a  mental  disability.  (IV)  The  Grapes  of  Wrath  is   be a great option for the visually impaired. (V) By
            another famous novel by the same author. (V) The    listening  to  audiobooks,  they  can  still  experience
            novel  explores  their  dreams,  struggles,  and  the   the joy of reading without having to see the words
            challenges they face as they try to make a better   on a page.
            life for themselves.
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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