P. 147

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 6

        69.  Ebru  is  a  traditional  art  form  that  originated   71.  Audiobooks are recordings of books which are
            in Asia. It involves floating paints on a liquid    read aloud and allow people to listen to stories
            surface  and  then  transferring  the  design       instead of reading them. They are an easy option
            onto  paper  or  fabric.  Artists  use  tools  like   for those who may not have the time to sit down
            brushes  or  needles  to  form  complex  designs.   and  read.  Digital  platforms  make  audiobooks
            ----  Part  of  its  appeal  is  that  each  print  is  a    more accessible and offer many chances with a
            one-of-a-kind monotype. With its unique beauty,     few clicks. ---- Audiobooks, conversely, can be
            it  is  a  cherished  art  form  and  is  often  used  in   downloaded  or  played  online  right  away  from
            calligraphy and decorative arts.                    home.
            A)  Each Ebru piece has vibrant and dynamic         A)  Many readers like the physical pleasure of
               compositions as a result of unpredictable           holding a book, turning over its pages, and
               patterns.                                           touching its paper.
            B)  Once the desired pattern emerges, they          B)  Print books may need to be taken from a library
               carefully lay paper or fabric onto the surface      or shop and require readers to physically visit
               to transfer the design.                             the location.
                                                                C)  Reading from printed pages is often easier on
            C)  It is also known as ‘Turkish paper marbling’       the eyes compared to staring at a screen for a
               and flourished during the Ottoman Empire.
                                                                   long time.
            D)  It has a timeless beauty that inspires artists   D)  Many audiobooks are read by professional
               and captivates viewers around the world.            voice actors who bring the characters and
            E)  Another method of marbling is made on the          scenes to life.
               surface of a thick and sticky solution, which is   E)  Mobile audiobooks enable listeners to carry
               known as size.                                      a library in their pockets and enjoy books

        70.  Postcolonial  literature  refers  to  works  of   72.  Science fiction, a genre that explores futuristic
            authors  from  places  that  were  previously       ideas,  alternate  realities,  or  high  technology,
            colonised  by  European  powers.  ----  That’s      became  popular  in  the  1950s.  ----  Also,  Cold
            why identity, power relations, native language,     War  tensions  and  fears  of  nuclear  war  fuelled
            and culture are frequently discussed themes.        interest in stories that looked into technology’s
            Postcolonial  writers  often  criticise  colonial   consequences  and  humanity’s  place  in  the
            ideologies  and  perspectives  in  their  works     universe. By blending science with fantasy, sci-fi
            and  offer  alternative  perspectives  to  reclaim   offered an escape while reflecting the hopes and
            indigenous voices and histories.                    fears of the time.
            A)  Authors of this genre often describe the        A)  The roots of this unique genre can be traced
               wealth of imperial powers.                          back much further, though.
            B)  The most famous work is Things Fall Apart by    B)  One of the most iconic works from this period is
               Chinua Achebe.                                      Asimov’s Foundation series.
            C)  It includes various literary forms such as      C)  With many ideas from that time, it still
               novels, poetry, and essays.                         influences current works of sci-fi.
            D)  Africa and the Caribbean were among the         D)  Rapid scientific progress in this era inspired
               colonised countries.                                many people’s imagination.
            E)  It explores the cultural and social             E)  It can cover stories that are set both in the past
               consequences of imperialism.                        and present as well.

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