P. 146

THEME 6                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  İzmir  Book  Fair  is  one  of  the  major  literary   67.  Do  graphic  novels  and  comic  books  mean
            events in Türkiye and is held annually. It hosts    the  same  thing?  Because  of  their  storytelling
            a  diverse  range  of  publishers,  booksellers,    structure, which is centred on illustrations, they
            and  authors  who  display  their  works  in        may  sound  alike.  However,  their  lengths  and
            different  categories.  Thus,  attendees  have      methods of telling stories differ significantly. ----
            the  opportunity  to  meet  with  many  literary    Comic books, on the other hand, feature shorter,
            works. ---- Therefore, it attracts a lot of visitors,   episodic  stories  that  unfold  across  multiple
            including both literature and art enthusiasts.      issues and often leave you wanting more.
            A)  It runs for about a week, which allows visitors   A)  Graphic novels began to gain popularity in the
               plenty of time to explore the book stands.          literary world in the late 20  century.
            B)  Various books of different genres can be        B)  Deep themes, symbolism, and intense plot
               found there, such as poetry, children’s             twists are prevalent in graphic novels.
               literature, and more.                            C)  Graphic novels are self-contained works,
            C)  The event provides a platform for publishers       typically longer, with a complete beginning,
               to sell their books directly to visitors.           middle, and end.
            D)  The fair also includes artistic activities, such   D)  Characters in graphic novels go through major
               as performances, exhibitions, and screenings.       transformations and face challenges that test
                                                                   their limits.
            E)  It is usually held at the İzmir International Fair
               Centre, which has a lot of room for guests.      E)  Graphic novels are usually adaptations of
                                                                   popular films and television series.

        66.  The Starry Night is one of Vincent van Gogh’s   68.  Absolute pitch is the ability to  recognise and
            most  iconic  paintings.  The  artwork  portrays    name a musical note by  only  hearing  it.  This
            trees  and  a  fast-moving  starry  night  sky  in   remarkable  skill  allows individuals to identify
            a  circular  direction.  ----  This  is  because  it   musical  notes  without  needing  another  tone
            expresses  the  emotional  trouble  that  he  was   as a reference. Some of the greatest classical
            also suffering during that time. The painting is    composers, such as Mozart and Beethoven, had
            regarded in the art world as a masterpiece and      this special skill. ---- Yet, recent research at the
            a symbol of the artist’s extraordinary talent.      University of Chicago has shown that it may be
                                                                developed even in adulthood.
            A)  Some say that the painting showcases Van
               Gogh’s love for the natural world.               A)  It has been considered a rare ability that can
                                                                   only be acquired early in life.
            B)  According to critics, this composition in the
               painting reflects the artist’s mood.             B)  There are also many contemporary musicians
                                                                   who have an absolute pitch.
            C)  The peaceful atmosphere in the work may
               represent the painter’s calm state of mind.      C)  Individuals can participate in training
                                                                   programmes to develop their abilities.
            D)  Others believe that the arrangement of stars
               shows his interest in astronomy.                 D)  Factors, like a person’s first language, may
                                                                   affect their note identification.
            E)  To some people, the trees might symbolise
               Van Gogh’s personal struggles.                   E)  Only a few people are born with this talent;
                                                                   others can learn it later with practice.

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