P. 145

SITUATION                            THEME 6

        61.  You are working on a graphic novel project. You   63.  You are a screenwriter who works hard to adapt
            are responsible for the story and the dialogue,     a  popular  book  into  a  film.  The  director  wants
            while your teammates do the artwork. During a       to  use  her  creativity  and  change  some  crucial
            meeting, one of them says the dialogue is too       plot points. On the other hand, you believe that
            long and is taking up too much space to leave       remaining faithful to the book is essential not to
            room  for  the  artwork.  You  disagree  with  her   disappoint  the  book’s  readership.  So  you  say:
            and say: ----                                       ----
            A)  Let’s experiment with some changes to the       A)  To me, we need to make the story our own;
               script and remove the inessential parts of it,      modifying the plot is the only way to achieve
               then.                                               that.
            B)  Let me know the specific panels where you       B)  Well, the author of the book might feel
               think we can cut down the dialogue, please.         uncomfortable if we go too far from the original
            C)  I can focus on shortening the dialogue in less     plot.
               critical moments and keeping it impactful for    C)  I think we should consider the expectations of
               key scenes.                                         the book’s fanbase, as the changes may upset
            D)  I think we should look for options to convey       them.
               the story through visual elements instead of     D)  I’m sure changing the timeline of the original
               dialogue.                                           story will definitely disturb the audience of the
            E)  I understand your concern, but the dialogue
               serves an important purpose in developing the    E)  I absolutely agree with you; when key plot
               story.                                              points are changed, it can add a fresh
                                                                   perspective to the film.

        62.  A friend of yours wants to participate in a short   64.  You  finally  find  the  book  that  you  have  been
            story  writing  competition,  but  she  is  feeling   looking  for  in  a  second-hand  bookstore.  It  is
            unsure about her writing skills. You know that      more  expensive  than  you  expected,  but  you
            she has been working hard on her writing and        are  determined  to  buy  it  due  to  its  rarity  and
            has shown great improvement over time. So,          significance to your collection. You want to ask
            you say to encourage her: ----                      for a discount. So you say: ----
            A)  Why don’t you just relax? It’s not the end of   A)  Can I exchange this book for another one in
               the world if you don’t win.                         your store?

            B)  I think you need to practise writing regularly to   B)  Do you have customers who complain about
               build your confidence.                              your prices?
            C)  I’m happy to read your story and offer          C)  Why are all the books in your store so
               comments if you’d like.                             expensive?
            D)  I’ve no doubt that your hard work and           D)  Do you think this book is worth the price that
               dedication will bring you success in the contest.   you’re asking for?
            E)  If I were you, I’d try my luck in a poetry      E)  Could you possibly sell me this book at a lower
               contest instead.                                    price?

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