P. 161

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 7

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Gender roles in societies are deeply rooted in cultural,   39.  It  is  understood  from  the  passage  that
        historical,  and  social  contexts.  Traditionally,  many   conventional gender roles in societies ----.
        societies have established distinct roles and expectations
        for  men  and  women,  often  based  on  biological     A)  are undergoing a transformation with the
        differences  as  well  as  societal  norms.  For  example,   increasing awareness of equality between men
        men  have  frequently  been  viewed  as  the  primary      and women
        breadwinners and decision-makers, while women have      B)  are solely determined by inherent biological
        often  been  seen  as  responsible  for  domestic  duties   differences between males and females
        and  caregiving.  However,  these  traditional  roles  are   C)  are universally applicable across all cultures
        increasingly  changing  as  societies  become  more  fair   and communities, unaffected by cultural
        and recognise the importance of equal opportunities for    contexts
        both genders. More individuals are embracing modern
        paths and sharing responsibilities more equitably within   D)  are well-established and resistant to change,
        households.  These  changes  are  gradually  reshaping     reflecting long-standing cultural norms and
        societal  perceptions  and  expectations  around  gender   expectations
        roles. All in all, as societies continue to evolve and adopt   E)  limit the opportunities for employment by
        equality, this transformation represents a significant step   establishing specific occupations for women in
        towards fostering equitable communities.                   the business world

        38.  According  to  the  passage,  in  many  societies,   40.  Which of the following could be the best title for
            men ----.                                           the passage?

            A)  have historically been viewed as primary        A)  Gender Equality Problems in Modern Societies
               caregivers as well as managers of household      B)  Gender Norms in Traditional Societies
                                                                C)  The Dynamics of Traditional Gender Roles
            B)  are encouraged to pursue their own roles,
               challenging societal expectations                D)  Historical Perspectives on Gender
            C)  are often marginalised and excluded from
               participating in important societal roles        E)  Evolution of Gender Roles in Modern Societies
            D)  have been assigned to provide their families
               with financial support and make important
            E)  face increasing pressure to meet fixed
               standards of masculinity which are based on
               cultural norms

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