P. 133

SENTENCE COMPLETION                         THEME 6

        25.  ----, the audience can follow and visualise his   27.  Second-hand  bookstores  might  not  carry  the
            works more easily.                                  latest bestsellers, ----.

            A)  As Robert Frost’s poetic technique has full of   A)  and that’s why they attract readers who look
               challenging literary devices                       forward to buying newly-published books
            B)  Since the poetry of Robert Frost has simple     B)  so the bookshelves in them are filled with
               language and vivid imagery                         recently released literary masterpieces
            C)  Though the portrayal of rural life is a prevalent   C)  because their old books are not accessible and
               motif in Frost’s early poems                       affordable for everybody
            D)  Even if the literary style of Robert Frost is   D)  while chain stores are not expected to have a
               characterised by simplicity                        comprehensive selection of out-of-date ones
            E)  Because Frost’s writing explores the            E)  but they offer a unique selection of vintage and
               complexities of human experience                   rare books that cannot be found anywhere else

        26.  Traditional ballets are performed with classical   28.  ----,  classical  art  focuses  on  harmony  and
            music and fancy costumes, ----.                     proportion in its portrayals.
            A)  so early ballet training involves basic         A)  Whereas expressionism emphasises emotional
               techniques and develops the flexibility of the     intensity and bold colours to evoke strong
               dancer                                             feelings
            B)  and it is believed that Swan Lake by            B)  Although there is no definition of art that is
               Tchaikovsky is based on Russian and                commonly accepted by the majority
               German folk tales                                C)  Since there are a lot of different categories that
            C)  yet in modern versions of them, contemporary      make up the creative arts
               melodies and outfits are mostly preferred        D)  Even if art is used in rituals, performances, and

            D)  or the dancers follow specific rules about the    dances as a decoration or symbol
               positions of their arms, feet, and bodies        E)  As long as Romanticism includes various fields,
            E)  as studying prima ballerinas’ moves is an         from art and music to writing and drawing
               effective way to learn higher-level techniques

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