P. 132

THEME 6                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  ----;  moreover,  it  can  serve  as  a  form  of    23.  ----, as artists explored new forms of expression
            self-expression and emotional relief.               and challenged old conventions.
            A)  Artworks enrich our lives with their beauty     A)  The 19  and 20  centuries witnessed
               and cultural significance                           significant sculptural innovations
            B)  Creating an art piece demands a deep            B)  The earliest known sculptures date back to the
               connection with one’s inner creativity              Palaeolithic period
            C)  The fine arts encompass a diverse range of      C)  Sculpture has played a vital role in expressing
               disciplines, like sculpture                         religious and artistic ideas
            D)  It is not necessary to be an art expert to      D)  Temples were decorated with huge
               appreciate a piece of art                           monumental statues in ancient Egypt
            E)  Visiting an art gallery gives you a chance to   E)  Sculpture was a form of humanist expression
               meet with other art lovers                          during the Renaissance

        22.  While novels provide detailed stories with rich   24.  Besides practical goals such as facilitating human
            character development, ----.                        activity, ----.
            A)  literature may include works of nonfiction, like   A)  architects often draw inspiration from various
               biographies and diaries                             artistic movements and historical styles
            B)  other genres also allow readers to explore      B)  it is the design, planning, and construction of
               different worlds and viewpoints                     buildings, structures, and spaces
            C)  biographical writings were once thought of as   C)  architectural styles of mosques differ greatly
               just a section of history                           across regions and periods
            D)  short stories focus on capturing brief moments   D)  it has led to the rise of modern architecture’s
               in a more compact format                            simplicity and functionality
            E)  epic poetry is often considered the earliest    E)  architecture is also an art form for its creative
               form of literature                                  expression

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