P. 131

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 6

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Literary  criticism  traces  its  roots  back  to  ancient   Gothic  literature  emerged  in  the  18  century as a
        Greece.  There,  thinkers  like  Plato  and  Aristotle    response to the Age of Enlightenment. This genre quickly
        (11)----  philosophical  discussions  about  the  nature  of   gained  popularity  (16)----  it  allowed  readers  to  explore
        literature and its societal impact. (12)----, literary criticism   the  thrilling  side  of  the  unknown.  Gothic  literature  is
        became a real field of study in the Renaissance. With    characterised  by  the  use  of  fear  and  haunting.  It  looks
        the  emergence  of  humanism,  scholars  such  as   at  themes  like  mystery,  horror,  and  the  supernatural
        Boccaccio  and  Petrarch  analysed  classical  texts  and   (17)---- discovering the darker aspects of human
        established  the  systematic  evaluation  of  literature    experience.  The  settings  are  usually  old  castles  or
        (13)---- time. The Enlightenment (14)---- literary criticism   mansions.  Characters  face  strange  events  or  creepy
        even further by stressing the importance of using logic   secrets  that  were  hidden  (18)---- these walls. The
        to  understand  works  of  literature.  Since  then,  it  has   mood  is  often  gloomy  and  mysterious,  so  it  adds  to
        grown  into  a  broad  field  that  uses  different  methods   the  overall  atmosphere  of  tension  and  unease.  So,
        (15)----  interpreting  and  judging  literature’s  cultural,   gothic  literature  leaves  a  (19)----  impact  on  readers  by
        historical, and aesthetic value.                    tapping into their deepest fears and desires and offering
                                                            a thrilling escape from the ordinary world. You (20)---- it a
                                                            try if you enjoy chilling mysteries.

        11.  A) gave away                                   16.  A) because
             B) took in                                         B) even if
             C) brought out                                     C) in case
             D) made up                                         D) unless
             E) dived into                                      E) once

        12.   A) However                                    17.   A) in spite of
             B) As a result                                     B) in the absence of
             C) Otherwise                                       C) as opposed to
             D) For example                                     D) with regard to
             E) Namely                                          E) in pursuit of

        13.   A) up                                         18.   A) between
             B) over                                            B) opposite
             C) to                                              C) within
             D) along                                           D) towards
             E) opposite                                        E) across

        14.   A) had pushed                                 19.  A) primary
             B) pushes                                          B) profound
             C) has pushed                                      C) deceptive
             D) pushed                                          D) moderate
             E) would push                                      E) sensitive

        15.   A) in comparison with                         20.   A) are able to give
             B) as opposed to                                   B) must have given
             C) with the purpose of                             C) would give
             D) regardless of                                   D) should give
             E) for fear of                                     E) could be giving

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