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          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Çin’de  fener  festivali  sırasında  insanlar,   79.  Modern  tesisleri  ve  vasıflı  sağlık  personeli
            geleceğe  dair  umutları  simgeleyen  gökyüzü       sayesinde Türkiye, sağlık turizmi alanında öne
            fenerlerini serbest bırakırlar.                     çıkmaktadır.

            A)  At China’s Lantern Festival, participants       A)  Thanks to its modern facilities and skilled
               release lanterns into the sky as a symbol of        medical personnel, Türkiye stands out in the
               hopes for the future.                               field of health tourism.
            B)  During the Lantern Festival in China, people    B)  Türkiye is the best country for health tourism
               release sky lanterns, which symbolise hopes         thanks to its modern facilities and high-quality
               for the future.                                     healthcare professionals.
            C)  People light sky lanterns in China to make      C)  Türkiye has skilled doctors and modern
               their dreams come true, and this event is           hospitals, which makes it an important
               called ‘the Lantern Festival’.                      destination for health tourism.
            D)  In the Lantern Festival in China, sky lanterns   D)  Türkiye’s importance in health tourism stems
               that symbolise dreams for the future are            from its modern facilities and skilled healthcare
               released.                                           professionals.
            E)  In China, sky lanterns represent hopes for      E)  Highly-skilled doctors in modern medical
               the future, so people release them during the       facilities have made Türkiye a top destination
               Lantern Festival.                                   for health tourism.

        78.  Müzeler,  tarihî  eserler  ve  sanat  eserleri   80.  Dijital araçların yardımıyla, dışarı adım atmadan
            aracılığıyla  ziyaretçilere  farklı  kültürleri  ve   Mısır’daki  piramitleri  ziyaret  edip  hiyeroglifleri
            geçmişi keşfetme fırsatı sunar.                     inceleyebilirsiniz.

            A)  Museums offer visitors the chance to discover   A)  Digital tools enable people to visit pyramids
               diverse cultures and the past by means of           in Egypt and examine the hieroglyphs without
               various artefacts and artworks.                     stepping outside.
            B)  Through historical artefacts and works of art,   B)  With the help of digital tools, you can visit the
               museums provide visitors with the chance to         pyramids in Egypt and examine the hieroglyphs
               discover different cultures.                        without stepping outside.
            C)  Museums are places where visitors can           C)  One can visit the pyramids in Egypt and
               explore different cultures and history via          examine the hieroglyphs without stepping
               artefacts and works of art.                         outside with the help of digital tools.
            D)  Visitors can learn about different cultures and   D)  With the help of digital tools, visiting pyramids
               the past by exploring historical artefacts and      in Egypt and examining the hieroglyphs are
               artworks in the museums.                            possible.
            E)  Museums offer visitors the opportunity to       E)  Thanks to digital tools, people can visit
               explore different cultures and the past through     pyramids in Egypt and examine the hieroglyphs
               historical artefacts and artworks.                  without stepping outside.

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