P. 121

SITUATION                            THEME 5

        61.  You  have  a  foreign  friend  who  moved  to   63.  One  of  your  friends  has  been  trying  to  learn
            Türkiye  last  month.  She  is  curious  about      Japanese  for  a  while.  She  explains  that  she
            your  country’s  famous  events,  especially  the   has  applied  for  a  language  programme  in
            Kırkpınar  Oil  Wrestling  Championship.  She       Japan.  Besides  her  excitement,  she  also  has
            wants  to  understand  the  exclusive  aspect       some  concerns.  You  think  that  it  is  best  to  be
            of  this  event  compared  to  other  types  of     completely  involved  in  the  culture  to  learn  a
            wrestling. So you say informatively: ----           language and to encourage her, you say: ----
            A)  It’s the use of olive oil. It makes the competition   A)  Have you ever thought about homesickness or
               more challenging as it increases slipperiness.      cultural differences?
            B)  As you know, there are many wrestling styles,   B)  Yeah, I’ve noticed your interest, but why go all
               such as Greco-Roman and freestyle.                  the way to Japan for a course?
            C)  Oil wrestlers have a strong reputation in       C)  Oh, that sounds interesting. What sparked your
               Türkiye, just like Sumo wrestlers in Japan.         interest in Japanese?
            D)  In the summer of 2023, 2,475 wrestlers          D)  Why on earth would you go there? You’re
               participated in the Championship.                   already fluent in Japanese.
            E)  In wrestling, two people fight to throw their   E)  I’m proud of you for taking this big step. It’s
               opponent to the ground.                             such an incredible opportunity.

        62.  You are working at a tourist information office.   64.  During the restoration of a historical monument,
            A tourist comes in and says that he wants to        you  notice  some  workers  who  use  harsh
            visit the archaeology museum, but it is closed      chemicals that could damage the structure. You
            due  to  renovations.  He  seems  disappointed      are  concerned  about  the  potential  long-term
            and asks you to suggest an alternative museum       effects  of  these  chemicals  on  the  monument
            nearby. So you show him the available one in        and want to recommend a safer method. So you
            the travel brochure and say: ----                   say: ----

            A)  I suppose there isn’t much else that you can    A)  If we can finish the restoration, we can open
               do here. You should explore the city on your        the monument to the public sooner than
               own.                                                expected.
            B)  Actually, I understand your frustration, but    B)  People won’t notice the difference in materials
               you’ll have to wait until the attraction reopens    if we prioritise the preservation of the
               to visit it.                                        monument.
            C)  I think you can still try to visit the museum   C)  Modern chemicals are just as good and
               anyway; maybe the renovations have come to          effective as old methods when they are
               an end.                                             carefully selected.
            D)  The history museum is open, and it’s a short    D)  Using traditional materials may take longer, but
               walk from here. You may enjoy their pieces of       it will protect the monument’s historical value.
               local history.
                                                                E)  Let’s just finish the restoration quickly by using
            E)  Well, how about a guided bus tour around           available materials so that we can all go home
               the city instead? You can easily visit all the      early.

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