P. 120

THEME 5                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  You  are  a  travel  blogger  who  is  currently  on   59.  You  are  wandering  through  Bangkok,  and
            a  guided  tour  of  Dara—a  historical  place  in   eager to try the delicious street food. The city’s
            Mardin.  As  you  explore  the  city  with  your    crowded  streets  and  colourful  markets  make
            local tourist guide, you admire the rich history    you feel excited with so many things to choose
            that  surrounds  you.  You  want  to  capture  the   from. You do not know where to start, but you
            essence  of  this  ancient  city  in  your  blog.  So   remember  a  friend  of  yours  has  been  here
            you turn to the guide and ask: ----                 before. So you call and ask her: ----
            A)  Could you please tell me where to buy           A)  Do you remember any must-see places that I
               miniature models of the Dara ruins?                 should visit?
            B)  Do you know a local guide who has a deeper      B)  Do you have any tips for the best street food
               understanding of the city?                          spots?
            C)  Where is the best spot to capture a panoramic   C)  Can you tell me a budget-friendly place to
               view of the entire city?                            stay?
            D)  Are there any local legends and folklore that   D)  Do you really think I can handle the spiciness
               are related to Dara?                                of authentic Thai cuisine?
            E)  What are the main aspects of Dara that I        E)  Don’t you think the Pad Thai tastes better than
               should highlight on my page?                        the spicy Tom Yum soup?

        58.  You  have  decided  to  go  on  a  holiday  with  a   60.  You  are  waiting  to  board  your  plane  at  the
            friend  to  a  tropical  destination  that  is  known   airport.  After  multiple  delays,  your  flight  is
            for its quiet and cosy beaches. After months        postponed  to  the  next  day.  Yet,  the  airline  is
            of  planning,  you  reach  the  seaside  resort.    unwilling  to  provide  accommodation  for  the
            However, it is very crowded, and lounge seats       travellers. As you are aware of your rights as a
            are few. Despite your sadness, you attempt to       passenger, you go to the customer service desk
            cheer up your friend. So you say: ----              and say threateningly: ----

            A)  It’s all your fault to come here during the     A)  I’m sorry, but the airline must provide us with
               busiest time of the year.                           free food and beverages.
            B)  I’ll go and speak to the resort staff and ask for   B)  I’ll post about your company’s constant delays
               the money back.                                     all over social media!
            C)  We’re in our dream place. Let’s set up our      C)  Listen, according to air passenger rights, you
               towels over there and feel relaxed.                 have to find a solution.
            D)  If the beach is like this, I can’t even imagine   D)  I know the regulations! I won’t hesitate to take
               the other activities.                               legal action if necessary.
            E)  We must be patient and wait for some lounge     E)  Please do your job! Your company is obligated
               chairs to become available.                         to assist in cases like this.

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