P. 114

THEME 5                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Anna:                                          42.  Sarah:
            –   When I listen to music in a foreign             –   I’ve just heard about the Orange Blossom
                language, I can feel joy or sadness, even           Festival in Adana. What’s it about?
                if I don’t understand the words.                Deniz:
                                                                –   It’s  a  celebration  of  spring  and  the  local
            –   Exactly.  Although  each  culture  has  its         orange blossom fragrance. People from all
                own musical instruments and language of             over the country come to enjoy the festival.
                music, you can feel it.                         Sarah:
                                                                –   ----
            –   ----                                            Deniz:
                                                                –   It  includes  various  activities,  such  as
            –   Well, rhythm and harmony are international,         traditional  dance  performances.  One
                and  I  think  sounds  and  melodies  are           can  also  taste  local  food  and  shop  for
                associated with some emotions.                      handmade crafts.

            A)  So, what do you think the universal elements    A)  Is it only open to those with a special invitation?
               in music are?
                                                                B)  Is it mainly a local festival, or do tourists attend
            B)  Do you think each culture has its own way of       as well?
               expressing emotions?
                                                                C)  What are some of the cultural highlights of it?
            C)  Do you know about the diversity of musical      D)  Which activities are appropriate for different
               instruments around the world?
                                                                   age groups?
            D)  Well, have you studied the musical forms of
                                                                E)  How can one participate in it as a performer?
               different cultures at school?
            E)  What is more necessary for cultural identity:
               the songs or the instruments?

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