P. 112


         35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Cultural  tourism  includes  experiences  that  are  not   36.  Which of the following ways that help us learn
        taught in schools or textbooks. Visiting historical sites,   about the past is not mentioned in the text?
        such as ancient ruins or old villages, allows people to
        observe  the  physical  remains  of  past  eras  and  gain   A)  Communicating with people in local areas
        knowledge about the lives and customs of the people     B)  Promoting empathy among visitors from
        of those times. In the same way, visiting museums and      abroad
        art galleries lets us interact with objects, works of art,   C)  Going to the museums and art galleries
        and  displays  that  tell  stories  about  different  cultures
        and  past  events.  By  taking  part  in  cultural  festivals,   D)  Visiting old settlement and historical places
        ceremonies, and rituals, we can experience traditions   E)  Participating in cultural celebrations and events
        live.  In  light  of  this,  we  can  understand  the  influence
        of  people’s  beliefs  and  values  on  shaping  their
        communities.  Also,  connecting  with  others  facilitates
        cross-cultural  dialogue.  This  dialogue  helps  us  share
        our thoughts, question stereotypes, promote empathy,
        and improve common respect among individuals from
        different backgrounds and ways of life.

        35.  According to the passage, cultural tourism ----.  37.  According  to  the  passage,  interacting  with
                                                                locals ----.
            A)  focuses on cultural festivals and ceremonies
               that reflect the tradition                       A)  shapes the communities with values and
            B)  emphasises common respect between people           beliefs
               from various backgrounds                         B)  lets people listen to the stories about the past
            C)  promotes museums and art galleries that take    C)  encourages people to respect each other
               part abroad
                                                                D)  helps engage with works of art and displays
            D)  involves learning about the people who lived    E)  improves knowledge about the cultural festivals
               in old times and their habits
            E)  introduces the experience that is taught in
               schools and textbooks

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