P. 108

THEME 5                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  As  Turkish  carpet-making  uses  traditional   23.  ----, although they are generally pretty crowded
            methods and ancient motifs, ----.                   during rush hours.
            A)  there has been an accelerating trend towards    A)  Bicycles are environmentally friendly and
               machine-made carpets                                promote physical fitness
            B)  carpets are considered a significant            B)  Rapid travel over long distances is made
               expression of cultural heritage                     possible by aeroplanes
            C)  exporting carpets is prioritised more than      C)  Public transportation systems provide
               preserving tradition                                affordable and accessible options
            D)  some artisans prefer using high-quality         D)  Motorcycles are easy to control and use little
               materials in carpet weaving                         gas
            E)  modern influences have become predominant       E)  Walking is a simple and sustainable mode of
               in recent carpet designs                            transportation

        22.  ----  because  they  offer  rich  opportunities  to   24.  Since  heritage  sites  often  have  great  historical
            teach pupils about diverse subjects.                and architectural value, ----.
            A)  Museums provide first-hand engagement with      A)  seeing cultural artefacts requires considerable
               genuine artefacts                                   financial resources
            B)  Teamwork is encouraged in interactive           B)  new technologies can enhance the efforts of
               museum education                                    modern attractions
            C)  Museums’ educational programmes differ in       C)  they may face various threats, such as
               their collections                                   inadequate conservation efforts
            D)  Museums promote exploration and help            D)  they are damaged by people who do not
               visitors gain new perspectives                      appreciate their cultural value
            E)  Educators value museums as significant          E)  their conservation helps people realise
               learning environments                               common cultural history

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