P. 107

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 5

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Museums and art galleries are important cultural facilities.   Aspendos  Ancient  Theatre  in  Antalya  province  is  one
        They  are  often  considered  the  same,  but  (11)----  has   of  the  most  well-preserved  and  magnificent  structures
        differences in their functions and offerings. Museums are   in  the  world.  It  (16)----  during  the  Roman  Empire  in  the
        typically non-profit institutions where objects of historical,   2   century  AD,  and  it  has  a  capacity  of  around  15,000
        scientific, or artistic value are kept. Their main purpose is to   spectators.  It  is  famous  for  its  (17)----  acoustics;  even  a
        educate the public and (12)---- cultural heritage for future   whisper reaches clearly to the highest seats. It has been
        generations. Also, they (13)---- workshops or lectures to   hosting  events  (18)----  its  history,  including  concerts,
        enhance  visitors’  understanding  of  art  and  history.  Art   ballets, and cultural performances. It allows (19)---- visitor
        galleries, on the other hand, focus mostly on displaying   to experience its greatness and historical significance. The
        and selling contemporary artworks. They enable artists to   audiences go on a captivating journey through time as they
        demonstrate their creations (14)---- guests can appreciate   explore its majestic architecture and rich cultural heritage.
        and  buy  art  pieces.  In  this  way,  they  promote  opinion   (20)----,  Aspendos  Ancient  Theatre  remains  a  must-visit
        exchange (15)---- modern art and serve as an art market.  destination for history enthusiasts and travellers.

        11.  A) both                                        16.  A) was constructed
             B) neither                                         B) had been constructed
             C) each                                            C) has been constructed
             D) either                                          D) is constructed
             E) any                                             E) was being constructed

        12.  A) preserve                                    17.  A) outdated
             B) allocate                                        B) offensive
             C) employ                                          C) exclusive
             D) introduce                                       D) previous
             E) promote                                         E) prosperous

        13.  A) prefer offering                             18.  A) after

             B) have to offer                                   B) beneath
             C) would be offering                               C) behind
             D) had better offer                                D) beside
             E) may offer                                       E) throughout

        14.  A) because                                     19.  A) all
             B) unless                                          B) either
             C) once                                            C) a few
             D) so that                                         D) every
             E) before                                          E) neither

        15.  A) by                                          20.  A) Afterwards
             B) on                                              B) Therefore
             C) at                                              C) In fact
             D) past                                            D) In addition
             E) off                                             E) For instance
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