P. 99

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 4

        69.  ----  Its  history  dates  back  to  the  11   century   71.  Over  3,200  years  ago,  the  Mediterranean
            BCE.  It  was  founded  by  Aeolian  Greeks.  The   and  the  Near  East  were  home  to  Bronze  Age
            city  grew  as  a  commercial  centre  during  the   civilisations. The great empires of the day were
            Hellenistic  period.  Throughout  the  mediaeval    highly  developed  in  technology  and  culture.
            times,  it  was  ruled  by  various  empires  until   However,  they  faced  a  quick  and  almost  total
            becoming a part of modern Türkiye in the early      collapse.  It  was  not  due  to  a  single  event  or
            20  century. It was renamed ‘İzmir’ in 1930, and    disaster.  ----  After  that,  the  survivors  suffered
            since then it has been a vital economic and         from a centuries-long fall in culture and science
            cultural centre of the country.                     in the Dark Ages.
            A)  Alexander the Great was a king who extended     A)  Iron replaced bronze and led to the start of a
               his empire from Greece to Egypt.                    new historical period.

            B)  The Amazons were a legendary tribe of           B)  The intense famine was the reason for the
               warrior women in Greek mythology.                   downfall of some empires.
            C)  The Byzantine Empire was located in             C)  People made tools and weapons from the
               modern-day Greece and Türkiye.                      newly discovered bronze metal.
            D)  Smyrna was an ancient city that was located     D)  Multiple factors, such as droughts or nomadic
               on the Aegean coast of Anatolia.                    invasions, contributed to it.
            E)  The Lydian kingdom existed for a century and    E)  In the Late Bronze Age, some empires were
               a half in western Anatolia.                         divided into small states.

        70.  Ibn  al-Haytham  was  a  pioneering  scholar  of   72.  ----  Due  to  their  interactions  with  neighbouring
            the Islamic Golden Age. He was born in Iraq         peoples through trade and conquest, the Hittites
            in the 10  century. He made groundbreaking          borrowed  words  from  several  languages,  such
            contributions  to  the  fields  of  optics,         as  Akkadian,  Hurrian,  and  Hattic.  The  addition
            mathematics, and astronomy. His book, Kitab         of these words enriched the Hittite vocabulary.
            al-Manazir,  revolutionised  the  understanding     Now  they  reflect  the  cultural  exchanges  that
            of  light,  vision,  and  the  anatomy  of  the  eye.   occurred in ancient Anatolia and the influences
            He  emphasised  the  importance  of  scientific     that shaped the Hittite civilisation.
            evidence and critical inquiry. ----
                                                                A)  The Hittite language is notable for its generous
            A)  In other words, Ibn al-Haytham is commonly         use of loanwords.
               known as Alhazen in the Western world.           B)  Loanwords are words that are taken from one
            B)  That’s why Muslim scholars made significant        language and used in another.
               contributions to science in history.             C)  Trading allowed the ancients to exchange
            C)  All in all, he was against observation and         cultural practices and traditions.
               made only theoretical claims in his inquiry.     D)  Both Akkadian and Hurrian are ancient
            D)  However, he was influenced by scholars such        languages that were spoken in Mesopotamia.
               as Johannes Kepler and René Descartes.           E)  The Hittite language was characterised by its
            E)  That is, he laid the foundation for both modern    rich system of verbal prefixes.
               optics and the scientific method.

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