P. 94

THEME 4                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  The Phoenician alphabet holds a special place   51.  Queen Elizabeth’s era was a period of significant
            in history due to its simplicity and adaptability.  cultural and political influence in England.

            A)  The exceptional simplicity and adaptability     A)  After the death of Queen Elizabeth, England
               of the Phoenician alphabet contribute to its        was able to make significant cultural and
               historical significance.                            political changes.
            B)  The Phoenician alphabet’s historical position   B)  Queen Elizabeth played a key role in England’s
               results from its extreme simplicity and             major power on the global stage in both art and
               adaptability.                                       politics.
            C)  The Phoenician alphabet is known for its        C)  During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, England
               simplicity and adaptability, and it has a           experienced a time of great cultural and
               significant role.                                   political impact.
            D)  Since the Phoenician alphabet was simple        D)  Queen Elizabeth’s reign was characterised
               and adaptable, it occupies a particular             by an era of cultural and economic growth in
               position in history.                                England.
            E)  The Phoenician alphabet would not have been     E)  Arts and politics developed during Queen
               historically significant without its simplicity and   Elizabeth’s time, which shaped England’s
               adaptability.                                       future for centuries.

        50.  It was not until the steam engine was invented   52.  Turkish  women  had  gained  the  right  to  vote
            that society saw a drastic change in industry.      before women in many European countries.

            A)  There were a lot of industrial changes in       A)  Women in Europe did not have the same
               society before the steam engine was invented.
                                                                   voting rights as most Turkish women.
            B)  The invention of the steam engine was           B)  When a lot of women in Türkiye started to vote,
               the starting point of a significant change in       women in Europe had already been voting.
               industry for society.
                                                                C)  Most European countries had already granted
            C)  When the steam engine was invented, society        women the right to vote before Türkiye did.
               had already seen a radical change in industry.
                                                                D)  A large number of European women got the
            D)  Society experienced a small change after the       right to vote after women in Türkiye did.
               industrial steam engine was developed.
                                                                E)  Among many countries in Europe, Türkiye was
            E)  The invention of the steam engine was the          the first to grant women the right to vote.
               most drastic change in industry society had
               ever seen.

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