P. 91

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 4

        43.  Erin:                                          44.  Instructor:
            –   Have you seen the article about the ancient     –   ----
                Romans who had their own ‘Internet’?            Student:
                                                                –   I  didn’t  know  that!  What  are  their  other
            –   ----                                                contributions?
            Erin:                                               Instructor:
            –   Okay,  maybe  not  ‘Internet’  actually,  but   –   They  built  monumental  structures  called
                they had a system, which is called Cursus           ‘ziggurats’  and  developed  mathematical
                Publicus.                                           concepts like the number system based on
            Ross:                                                   60.
            –   Wow,  that’s  interesting!  Tell  me  more
                about it.                                       –   That’s fascinating! It seems like they were
                                                                    incredibly innovative.

            A)  I know some of the details, but not all of them.
               What did you find surprising?                    A)  Mesopotamia is often called the cradle of
                                                                   civilisations for its ancient cultures.
            B)  The Romans? Their Internet? Sounds like
               something out of a sci-fi film!                  B)  All the city-states of Sumer were surrounded by
            C)  You know, I’ve been very busy lately, but I’ll     walls for defence.
               try to make time to read it.                     C)  The Sumerians are recognised for their
            D)  Yeah, I skimmed the article. It was exciting to    creative characteristics.
               learn about their ‘Internet’.                    D)  Anatolia is rich in cultural diversity and has
                                                                   great historical significance.
            E)  Honestly, history, particularly ancient history,
               is not really my area of interest.               E)  The Sumerians actually did a lot more than just
                                                                   invent the writing system.

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