P. 95

RESTATEMENT                            THEME 4

        53.  The  Ottoman  Empire  gained  power  after  it   55.  Little  had  been  known  about  the  Hittites  until
            expanded  its  influence  over  strategic  trade    the tablets were excavated from the ruins.
                                                                A)  After the tablets had been uncovered from
            A)  Before the Ottoman Empire developed                the remains, more became known about the
               authority, it did not expand its strategic trade    Hittites.
                                                                B)  There was already plenty of knowledge about
            B)  Following its expansion of influence over          the Hittites before the tablets were discovered
               strategic trade routes, the Ottoman Empire          in the ruins.
               grew in power.                                   C)  The adequate information about the Hittites
            C)  If the Ottoman Empire did not become               was acquired thanks to the tablets from the
               powerful, it would not influence trade routes       ruins.
               and expand.                                      D)  The discovery of tablets in the ruins did not
            D)  The Ottoman Empire could not expand its            increase the existing information about the
               borders until it controlled strategic trade         Hittites.
                                                                E)  Hittites had been known abundantly even
            E)  As a result of gaining power, the Ottoman          before the tablets were excavated from the
               Empire increased its authority over important       remains.
               trade routes.

        54.  Muslim  scholars  not  only  conserved  earlier   56.  The French Revolution had an impact all around
            traditions but also made new contributions to       the world because it inspired reforms in many
            science.                                            countries.

            A)  Earlier traditions made great contributions     A)  Inspiration from the French Revolution led to
               to science, and Muslim scholars conserved           reforms in many countries, and this shows its
               them.                                               clear influence.
            B)  Muslim scholars’ most important contribution    B)  Numerous nations underwent revolutionary
               to science was saving previous traditions.          transformations as a result of the French
            C)  Muslim scholars preferred making new
               contributions to conserving earlier traditions.  C)  Since the French Revolution, many countries
                                                                   around the world have been making important
            D)  Muslim scholars both safeguarded the
               previous traditions and made new scientific         and effective reforms.
               contributions.                                   D)  The French Revolution has served as a source
                                                                   of inspiration for reforms in many countries
            E)  Muslim scholars made more significant              around the world.
               contributions to science compared to earlier
               traditions.                                      E)  The influence of the French Revolution was
                                                                   global, as it gave inspiration for changes in
                                                                   numerous nations.

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