P. 82

THEME 4                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        With  its  rich  history  and  achievements,  ancient  Egypt   The fascinating story of the Trojan War has been a source
        is  an  amazing  civilisation  that  captivates  the  world.   of  inspiration  for  many  artists.  Even  the  Iliad  and  the
        Archaeological  (1)----  in  Egypt  uncover  incredible   Odyssey, two significant works of ancient Greek literature,
        treasures  and  provide  vital  understanding  of  ancient   (6)----  about  events  during  the  war  around  the  late  8
        Egyptian  life.  Secrets  that  were  once  confidential  are   century BCE. The war between the early Greeks and the
        now disclosed (2)---- the diligent work of archaeologists.   people of Troy (7)---- 3,000 years ago. (8)---- the historical
        Therefore,  the  digging  process  at  the  sites    evidence of it has been doubtful, it certainly took place
        (3)---- patience, skill, and a deep respect for the protection   in  the  city  of  Troy,  which  is  now  located  in  Çanakkale,
        of the past. (4)---- a person in the team hurries during this   Türkiye.  (9)----  the  city’s  strategic  position  along  crucial
        process, significant information and artefacts may be lost   trade  routes  and  its  wealth,  the  Greeks  most  probably
        forever. (5)---- wants that because unearthed artefacts   decided  to  take  over  it.  After  a  decade-long  struggle,
        shed light on Egyptian beliefs and traditions.      the  Greeks’  strategy  of  using  the  Trojan  Horse  to  go
                                                            (10)---- Troy helped them eventually win the war.

        1.   A) afflictions                                 6.   A) are written
             B) excavations                                     B) were written
             C) negotiations                                    C) have been written
             D) settlements                                     D) will be written
             E) surroundings                                    E) had been written

        2.   A) towards                                     7.   A) drew on
             B) before                                          B) ended up
             C) beyond                                          C) went away
             D) among                                           D) broke out
             E) through                                         E) pulled down

        3.   A) has required                                8.   A) As
             B) will require                                    B) Before
             C) required                                        C) Though
             D) requires                                        D) When
             E) had required                                    E) After

        4.   A) Since                                       9.   A) Because of
             B) Unless                                          B) Despite
             C) If                                              C) As well as
             D) Until                                           D) With the aim of
             E) As                                              E) Unlike

        5.   A) No one                                      10.  A) with
             B) Anywhere                                        B) off
             C) Someone                                         C) against
             D) Everything                                      D) of

             E) Anything                                        E) into
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