P. 72

THEME 3                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  You  have  a  close  friend  who  has  been    59.  As a parent who knows that a healthy mind is
            experiencing difficult times lately. He lost his    in a healthy body, you want your teenage son
            job  and  had  to  change  his  house.  You  think   to  be  physically  active  and  engage  in  regular
            that he cannot handle the difficulties and          exercise to help him stay healthy and energised.
            needs professional help to tackle them. So you      However,  he  is  reluctant  to  participate  in  any
            say: ----                                           sports. To motivate him, you say: ----

            A)  If I were you, I wouldn’t cope with these       A)  Exercise is a great start, but don’t forget to fuel
               difficulties either.                                your body with healthy food and drinks.
            B)  I can recommend a psychiatrist to you, but his   B)  What can I do to help you add more physical
               fees are quite high.                                activity to your routine?
            C)  There are many books on how to cope with        C)  I’m really tired of trying to convince you to
               the hardships of modern life.                       attempt new physical activities.
            D)  Seeing a psychiatrist regularly helps us keep   D)  Believe it or not, I wasn’t a huge sports fan
               control of our lives.                               when I was your age either.
            E)  I believe that expert assistance will help you   E)  I know sports may not be your thing, but they
               overcome these days.                                can boost your mood and energy levels.

        58.  You  are  a  student  and  are  preparing  for  the   60.  You are on a school trip to a national park with
            university  entrance  exam.  You  feel  stressed    your classmates and teachers. While you all hike
            and  anxious  about  the  upcoming  test.  You      along  a  trail,  one  of  your  friends  accidentally
            have been having trouble sleeping lately and        steps on a slippery rock and injures his ankle.
            want to learn about relaxation techniques from      He is frightened and also in pain. You want to
            a counsellor. So you say: ----                      calm him down, so you say: ----

            A)  It’s understandable to feel anxious before      A)  Oh my goodness, this looks really bad! I’m not
               such an important exam.                             sure what to do.
            B)  Could you suggest some practices to calm my     B)  You could’ve been more careful. This is going
               mind and sleep better?                              to ruin our whole trip.
            C)  Do you have any tips for studying techniques    C)  Don’t worry; I’m here for you. I’ll get you help
               that could help me?                                 and make sure you’re okay.
            D)  I keep thinking about the exam and worrying if   D)  Ouch, it hurts so much! Why are you staring at
               I’ve studied enough.                                me? Call an ambulance!
            E)  Could you please guide me in organising the     E)  Oh, I’m so sorry. I should’ve warned you about
               best study plan?                                    the path before the trip.

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